Please keep it open
All I'm asking for is that apps on this phone speak Open Standards and don't send data home without permission. If so, I'll buy one as soon as I find out where they're sold..
The Linux formerly known as Firefox OS has become the fastest-growing phone platform in 2018, and is expected to be in around 100 million devices by the end of the year. Now KaiOS has received a huge boost from Google. Google has made a $22m Series A investment in the company that develops the platform, San Diego-based KaiOS …
Indeed. They say they are open source but read on their site: "code will be available soon"...
Plus since Google made a generous donation to be sure they will include all their tools by default, that does not look good if you value privacy.
But you know: "there is no free meal", someone has to pay for those 22M$!
This says it all for what's missing.
Google will invest in KaiOS Inc to ensure search, YouTube and Maps come to KaiOS devices.
What's missing? Slurping everything the user does that's what.
Another class of devices I won't touch because of Google.
I agree, why do they have to fuck everything up for US!
PErhaps they are getting scared of the growing Amazon domination of the world and don't want to become a bit player?
Here was me considering buying the Nokia with KaliOS on it to be free from Google, now they do this.
maybe your settings weren't as private as you hoped, and Google KNEW about your wishes :P :)
also, I am old enough to recall when the comics went mental at a game NEEDING 128MB of RAM, asking "who will pay out for that much RAM, for a game ............."
the world turns, and we get more screwed up
Every time I hear something is the "fastest-growing" of its kind, I remember a friend back from undergraduate days commenting on his latest test results. "I managed to improve my grade 100%", he said: "from 1 to 2".
Numbers: if tortured enough, they'll confess anything you want to hear.
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"...My (horribly expensive) contract with Three runs out soon - I'm genuinely considering the HMD/Nokia 8110 as an option now if I can find a decent sim-only contract that allows unlimited tethering. Having extra apps for services that my family use in the near future would cement this as an option - even if it means ceding a bit of privacy (because whatscrapp exists, and the phone comes bundled with farcebook).
Pair it with a chromebook/light laptop and I'm still spending less money over the length of a contract than I did with my current phone, and the functionality is at least the same, with the benefit of fewer things calling home, and the prospect of being able to do a lot more much more easily..."
Well...I hate to say it but 3 do a 30 day rolling contract on SIM only that has unlimited data for £35 a month that allows tethering.
I have on for my eldest lads' phone - he's done as much as 50GB tethered to his PlayBox and they never bat an eyelid.
I don't know (but would be happy to be corrected) of any other in that ballpark.
Not sure what you mean by horribly expensive, but I pay £20 / month to Three for unlimited data plus 20GB (might be 30GB, not 100% sure) tethering on a 1 month rolling contract. Been on it for a few years, so perhaps no longer offered, but might be worth raising with them.
my missus has unlimited texts 500min talk and 3gb data from three for ...... £4.19 a month...
I got it down to this for many complaints about a shitty service that did not match up to the map of coverage they have....
its not worth upgrading... we just buy a new phone now and again
"KaiOS is unashamedly a feature phone platform"
"Google will invest in KaiOS Inc to ensure search, YouTube and Maps come to KaiOS devices"
"KaiOS is only just rolling out app stores for developers. Coders write in HTML5 and CSS."
I don't think Google or KaiOS understand the meaning of the words "feature phone", a not very smart smartphone is not the same thing.
The Google thing might not be a deal-breaker.
If the phones only run HTML/CSS apps, surely Google are back to square one,
It's only game over should they manage to get the platform to depend on the appstore and the autorun parasite binaries.
But the Manufacturers and Networks are not blameless in overloading phones with unremovable features like Facebook and useless maps and crap of their own.
"Google will invest in KaiOS Inc to ensure search, YouTube and Maps come to they can track your every action on KaiOS devices.
Although expect such tight coupling to be made between KaiOS and search, maps, pootube, etc that it rapidly becomes next to impossible to use such a device without them - like Android.
Well, here I am a longtime web content author with HTML5 and CSS skills, well akkustomed to the spelchequer saving my lief. Now I are a furrily pade-up moabyl OS diveliper!
Still, I expect we'll still need javascript for anything even remotely resembling a UI. Funny the article doesn't mention that.
Any half decent HTML5 website will use at least 10 meg of source if packages are included. The next generation far more. Sure a small foot print could, in theory, run HTML5. But we need to write all that JavaScript because we can. Now, consider whole Apps written in HTML5.