"Lazy state FPU restore" sounds like a lot of the problems in computers/programming now
We all grew up thinking we owned our computer, or at least our particular process on the computer, or maybe the thread that we were handed out in the old time-sharing systems.
We learned that those bits written to mag tape, drums, huge disk farms, (punched cards and tape) could later be read by the unwashed. But erasing old bits was really too expensive and it's really hard to put the chaff back into the hollerith cards.
Moving to shared memory storage - same problem but can be resolved in milliseconds instead of hours. Still not worth it for the computer/system manufacturers.
Memory caches (and these are now so multi-level that it's hard to say where one cache starts and another ends) exacerbate the problem many-fold. L1/L2/L3, in-processor vs. on chip. USB devices with their own secret ways of storing info that can't be erased.
I'm not sure a router/PC/network reboot to "factory settings" gets rid of the tentacles that are left behind.