back to article Google plays cloud catch-up and moves into a place of its own

Google has signalled it is getting more serious about this whole cloud thing with the beta availability of sole-tenant nodes in Google Compute Engine. The move allows users to create virtual machines on Compute Engine servers allocated for their dedicated use, effectively reserving their own hardware (at least while they pay …

  1. Martin Summers


    Presumably the next big thing will be having a single box for every server. Imagine that.

  2. Claptrap314 Silver badge

    Given Spectre

    I cannot see how any business under regulatory requirement to protect PII would not be forced to only run on these instances. We don't have the ability to completely isolate processes on current hardware.

    1. nagyeger

      Re: Given Spectre

      Watch this space... how long until all the mitigations for meltdown/spectre/rowhammer etc. mean that there is such a cost-disadvantage / admin nightmare to 'cloud computing' that it ends up as out of date for 'real work' as dialing in to someone's mainframe?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Closer to AWS Dedicated Instances, not Hosts


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