back to article British egg producers saddened by Google salad emoji update

British egg producers have expressed disappointment at the removal of the oval-shaped favourite from Google's salad emoji. The UX manager for Google emoji Jennifer Daniel confirmed the change in a Tweet. The now egg-free salad is more vegan-friendly, and therefore more inclusive, Daniel explained. There's big talk about …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    More inclusive?

    Given the ever growing permutations on human emojis in terms of skin shade, hair color, hair type, freckles and what not, I'm surprised they didn't just add another salad to appease the vegans. Removing something doesn't make it more inclusive, it is less include for those who like eggs in their salad.

    Personally I would find either inedible, as there's no dressing!

    1. ratfox

      Re: More inclusive?

      They should give people the possibility to add eggs to the salad using a zero-width joiner!

      1. ibmalone

        Re: More inclusive?

        This would also introduce the possibility of caesar salads, and warm pancetta or salmon salads. I'm not a vegan, but I don't believe eggs have any place in salad, or sandwiches for that matter.

        1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: More inclusive?

          but I don't believe eggs have any place in salad

          I refer the honourable commentard to Salade Nicoise.. Which has, as one of the requred ingredients, hard-boiled eggs..

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: More inclusive?

            "[...] Salade Nicoise.. Which has, as one of the requred ingredients, hard-boiled eggs.."

            Not forgetting the fish.

            1. Roland6 Silver badge

              Re: More inclusive?

              >Not forgetting the fish.

              Or the beef!

              Says he remembering the CJD/Mad cow epidemic in the UK many years back, when beef extracts were discovered in many things including 'vegetarian' foods...

              1. TRT

                Re: zero-width joiner...

                You mean the layer of margarine from a Greater London sandwich bar?

          2. ibmalone

            Re: More inclusive?

            but I don't believe eggs have any place in salad

            I refer the honourable commentard to Salade Nicoise.. Which has, as one of the requred ingredients, hard-boiled eggs..

            Well, to each their own I suppose. (Wanders off to find the vomit emoji...)

        2. ibmalone

          Re: More inclusive?

          Today I learned the people who like eggs in salad are a vindictive lot!

          Eggstremists you might say.

    2. Aitor 1

      Re: More inclusive?

      It is the same sad thing as deciding that all races, creeds, etc have to be represented in a movie.

      Well, if the movie is supposed to happen in China, most people in the movie, unless there is a very good explanation, should be chinese. Same for the us.. most people should be american.

      If a minority is 10% of the population, parity in numbers is discrimination. Or you can come up with a good movie and try to be inclusive and thats it, do not force/reqrite characters, etc.

      Going back to the egg.. it is NOT more inclusive. Non vegans will NOT be represented by that salad.. and they are a majority. So it is not more inclusive..

      My guess is that they are so focused on discriminating people while claiming to be doing it for equality that they lost it.

      Note: I feel that I have to qualify my post, as otherwise ppl will make assumptions. I am not a racist (not but..), and dont think discrimination is a good thing. First of all, because I have suffered it first hand in the UK, and second hand though my wife, as she is both american and jew (and boy they hate both in Spain).

      I believe in equality, and discriminating majorities is not going to get equality. Of course, people with disabilities have to be helped, that is another matter.

      1. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

        Re: More inclusive?

        ... I am not a racist...

        Saying that is probably racist these days.

      2. ratfox

        Re: More inclusive?

        Non vegans will NOT be represented by that salad


        1. MiguelC Silver badge

          Re: Non vegans will NOT be represented by that salad

          I'm not vegan and I don't feel represented by that salad. Or any other salad, by the way.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: More inclusive?

          "Non vegans will NOT be represented by that salad


          Uh, YES. Once again a crackpot minority have imposed their values on everyone else. We are forced to bend over backward to accommodate the thin-skinned 5% while ignoring the rights and opinions of the other 95%. When you limit things for everyone to accommodate one group, you have excluded the rights and values of everyone else.

          It's also part of a sneaky campaign to make meat and the humans who eat it Evil. Well, FU Google and friends, I'm having fish for dinner and refuse to feel guilty about it.

      3. Fungus Bob

        Re: More inclusive?

        "Of course, people with disabilities have to be helped, that is another matter."

        And this is what Google is doing. Vegans are unable to see why nobody wants to be part of their sad, malnourished minority.

      4. Monty Cantsin

        Re: More inclusive?

        "Non vegans will NOT be represented by that salad.. and they are a majority. "

        Reminds me of the time my wife brought a home cooked meal to her father's house. He opened the dish and said "what is is?". "Vegetarian lasagne", she replies. He pushed it away saying "But sure I'm not a vegetarian."

        There's nothing about not having an egg in a salad that excludes non-vegans. Non vegans don't (and don't have to) have an animal product in each and every meal in order to maintain their non-vegan status.

        However, are they not concerned that breatharianism are being excluded by the lack of an emoji for no food?

    3. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

      Re: More inclusive?

      No. More eggsclusive!

    4. Velv

      Re: More inclusive?


      Some mayonnaise perhaps?

      1. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

        Re: More inclusive?

        Heinz Salad cream, Shirley?

        1. skalamanga

          Re: More inclusive?

          *sandwich cream

          1. Anonymous Cow Herder

            Re: Sandwich cream

            Eyes on the news there, Skalamanga. Have an up-vote

    5. Spudley

      Re: More inclusive?

      More inclusive eh? What about those who are allergic to tomatoes?

      But seriously, this whole emoji thing is getting stupid. The more of them there are, the less value they have.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: More inclusive?

      More inclusive? What about us diabetics???

      Eggs are one of the few things i am still allowed to enjoy these days.

    7. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: More inclusive?

      Well given my children are going through a phase where tomatos and "green stuff" is 'yuk', but will eat eggs, I don't see how this is more inclusive...

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Who is behind all this?

      I cannot hear the word "inclusion" anymore. Extreme-alt-left(?)-elite with their stupid world order movement?

      Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Arstechnica, Google, Microsoft are all part of this crap.

      Can people get normal again? Something is getting very wrong since 2015...

      Who is behind all this? Who are the elite persons we say "thank you"? Is it a religious movement? A political movement?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Who is behind all this?

        Noisy, strident groups of intolerant people. They believe the rest of the world should be forced to share their misunderstandings of the universe and the illogical behaviors those misinformed worldviews promote. They know inside that the rest of the world disagrees and won't play along. So they scheme for POWER to force their bullshit on the rest of us. "Tolerance" and "diversity" are used to force acceptance of fringe groups and ideas, but do not extend to the rights and opinions of the rest of us.

        Sadly, these nutjobs eventually take over most organizations and turn them to their twisted ideology. Scary how much of our world is controlled by ideological career "activists".

    9. TheVogon

      Re: More inclusive?

      Cracking story. I'm sure we all know eggactly where they are coming from.

    10. Montreal Sean

      Re: More inclusive?

      This would exclude my late father in law...

      For him a salad had real mayonnaise, ham, potatoes, more ham, and thick cut bacon.

      He didn't believe vegetables had any place in a salad.

    11. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: More inclusive?


      Pander to the minorities and completely disregard the wishes of the OVERWHELMING egg eating populace.

    12. TheVogon

      Re: More inclusive?

      I make sure that there is always a vegan and vegetarian option at my dinners parties:

      It's f o home.

  2. TheProf
  3. Locky

    Pointless emojis

    I did not fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad....

    1. Aladdin Sane

      Re: Pointless emojis

      Ron Swanson: “There’s been a mistake. You’ve accidentally given me the food that my food eats.”

      Server: “Salad is traditionally the first course at a wedding.”

      Ron Swanson: “Is a gerbil marrying a rabbit?”

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I did not fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad....


    3. Rameses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble?

      Re: Pointless emojis

      You don't win friends with salad!

      You don't win friends with salad!

      You don't win friends with salad!

      You don't win friends with salad!

      You don't win friends with salad!

    4. Allan George Dyer

      Re: Pointless emojis

      @Locky - "I did not fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad...."

      Top? Tell that to the mosquitoes.

      1. Chris King

        Re: Pointless emojis

        "Top? Tell that to the mosquitoes."

        Or the cockroaches.

    5. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: Pointless emojis

      I did not fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad....

      You're a killer-whale?

    6. Franco Bronze badge

      Re: Pointless emojis

      I think it was Jeff in Rules of Engagement who said "That's not food. That's what food eats."

      On a more on-topic note, enough with the emojis. We don't need one for every single thing. I almost feel nostalgic for the days we had to type them ourselves. ;-)

      1. SkippyBing

        Re: Pointless emojis

        'We don't need one for every single thing. I almost feel nostalgic for the days we had to type them ourselves.'

        These days I just find it easier to type 'raised eyebrow face' or 'egg salad emoji' rather than spend 10 minutes scrolling through all the options. It's like they're trying to reinvent the impracticality of hieroglyphics or Chinese.

        1. Eddy Ito

          Re: Pointless emojis

          Emojis are worse than Chinese. At least Chinese simplifies things a bit since there are no conjugations of verbs or the silliness of attributing gender to inanimate objects. Emojis don't simplify anything and go out of the way to be obscure.

          Emoji salad, how fitting.

    7. Mark 85

      Re: Pointless emojis

      I've always thought emojis were completely pointless. Something cute and that's about it. Now they're becoming a major problem for everyone? A tad overblown for those with an extreme sense of self-importance. And yes, this "announcement" is a bit overblown by someone obviously thinking "job security because "I'm important". Woop-de-doo.. much ado about next to nothing.

    8. Tom 7

      Re: Pointless emojis

      Incomprehensible emojis are only required when the other content is incomprehensible. They merely advertise inadequate content.

      1. TRT

        Re: Salad...

        Angry fruit salad. Which appears to be the order of the day for the modern UI like TIFKAM.

  4. Chris Jasper

    Somebody think of the poor eggs


  5. Dr_N

    Cracking Up.

    This is eggasperating.

    1. Chris G

      Re: Cracking Up.

      Eggsactly, it's an eggsasperating attack on freedom of eggspression.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. TRT

          Re: They've been...


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    inclusion and diversity

    by removing an egg?

    An egg?

    The worlds gone mad!

    Won't somebody think of the chickens, they've crossed many roads for us.

    1. monty75

      Re: inclusion and diversity

      I know, it's more like eggs-clusion.

    2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: inclusion and diversity

      an egg from a frigging smiley at that!

    3. Crisp

      Re: inclusion and diversity

      We shell not crack!

    4. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Re: inclusion and diversity

      Won't somebody think of the chickens, they've crossed many roads for us.

      Just don't ask them to explain why. No, really, just don't.

    5. Bill Gray

      Re: inclusion and diversity

      "...Won't somebody think of the chickens, they've crossed many roads for us."

      I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

  7. dbgi

    what about the rest of us.

    As a non-vegan-egg-eating person, I find the removal deeply offensive.

    1. dave 81

      Re: what about the rest of us.

      Me too. Why are we being discriminated against by google? We should totally sue. /s

  8. Joe Werner Silver badge

    No good story....

    ... ever started with people just having salad!

  9. Tweetiepooh

    What that salad is missing

    is some nice pieces of rare steak!

    1. Mark 85

      Re: What that salad is missing

      Steak? I was thinking bacon but steak will work.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Much as we celebrate diversity and inclusiveness

    If the whole world reduces to the lowest acceptable common denominator between all cultures and beliefs in the name of "inclusiveness" the world will become a very boring, bland, and probably quite scary place. Being inclusive is about celebrating, or at least tolerating differences. How long will it be before going out for a curry gets you trolled for "cultural appropriation".

    I agree with the above post, just make a separate emoji.

    As a German contractor I used to work with said, quite succinctly "I cant eat your salads in the UK, they are just chopped vegetables, that it not a salad."

    I no longer understand the world, I just live in it...

  11. Proud Father

    First world problems

    It's just a fucking graphic, get over it!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      but who, exactly?

      If you mean vegans and Chocolate Factoricans need to get over it, then right on.

      If you mean everyone who is upset about the decision to change a graphic, it is not "just a fucking graphic." It is an outward sign, a visible symptom of something disgusting: the mental condition leading to the decision.

  12. Eugene Crosser


    As our online (and offline) world becomes more complex and grim, emoji designers are creating the kind of beautiful utopia we can only dream about.

    Is the world where salad does not include eggs, and officers of law are armed with water pistols a utopia?

    1. John G Imrie

      Re: Utopia?

      Is the world where salad does not include eggs, and officers of law are armed with water pistols a utopia?

      Well if we can arm every one with just water pistols it might.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Utopia?

        What about arming people with eggs? Much better in my opinion because everyone would be nice to each other as they would be egging each other on all the time.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Utopia?

      SEE ALSO: Demolition Man (1993)

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Utopia?

      "Is the world where salad does not include eggs, and officers of law are armed with water pistols a utopia? "

      It is if you are black and live in the US of A ...... (not so sure where the salad/eggs come into it ???!!!)

      <roll eyes>


  13. Vanir


    man does not live by salad alone

    1. Aladdin Sane

      Re: Exclusive!

      He must have crumpet.

  14. King Jack

    I don't get it

    How can any sane person become upset because and image shows an egg in a salad? You may not like eggs and not eat them but how is an egg salad offensive. I don't like the colour blue. Should I rage at the sky and demand that all pictures in the world change the colour to suit me?

    When is this madness of pandering to every one going to stop. In the real world there is always going to be things you like and others don't. God I hate this generation. People should not just grow up but grow a spine too.

    1. Giovani Tapini

      Re: I don't get it

      I want to see you rage at the sky for being blue.

      Just for curiosity's sake of course :)

      I assume you don't come from the UK as this would hardly ever be an issue! I have to stick to raging at the machine...

      1. PM from Hell
        Thumb Up

        Re: I don't get it

        The sky is a lovely shade of light grey here today, there's no sign of the big yellow shiny thing at all

      2. King Jack

        Re: I don't get it

        Just to be clear I don't have a favourite colour. I was just trying to make a point. That the individual should change, not the world. If Vegans get to dictate stuff for everyone, then any foolishness should be allowed. Even changing every picture to please one person because in the 21st century no minority no matter how small is allowed to be upset.

    2. John G Imrie

      Re: I don't get it

      When is this madness of pandering to every one going to stop?

      When we shoot the last Pander?

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: I don't get it

        When we shoot the last Pander?

        Andy Pandy was last seen heading into hiding at high speed. Just in case..

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: I don't get it

          "Andy Pandy was last seen heading into hiding at high speed. Just in case.."

          Andy Pandy was last seen heading into hiding at high speed. Just in a basket - with his ménage à trois.


    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I don't get it

      >How can any sane person become upset because and image shows an egg in a salad?

      Veganism is a new religion. Just look how Morrissey acts and you'll get it. "Superior Beings" apparently.

      1. fords42

        Re: I don't get it

        Most vegetarians and vegans think Morrissey is a Grade A nobber and don't want to be associated with him.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I don't get it

        >Veganism is a new religion. Just look how Morrissey acts and you'll get it

        I think most vegans would be highly offended at being compared to Morissey.

    4. Tigra 07

      Re: I don't get it

      Cue the Twitter mob...

      Boo! Down with this sort of thing! I feel oppressed by that image of an egg! Nazi Fascist scum, etc...

    5. Curly4

      Re: I don't get it

      No don't rage at the sky for being blue but if the boiled egg was blue then maybe some rage is called for.

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Vital office equipment.

      Going off-topic here, but as most people will be aware, toasters are generally not allowed in most workplaces given how often people set off the fire alarms with them.

      The only place I've seen a toaster in the office kitchen recently is, ironically, a fire service, despite the fact that upstairs in the actual offices you get shouted at if you don't not only turn off your PC on a Friday night, but also unplug it from the wall as it's a "fire hazard"

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Vital office equipment.

      >very workplace needs one of these:-

      Why not boil the eggs in the office kettle like normal people?

  16. Frenchie Lad

    Towards Fully Inclusive

    There should more salad emojis, I want my egg back & as compensation a Cesar Salad emoji as well.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Towards Fully Inclusive

      But one required ingredient is anchovies which are fish.. won't someone think of the fish!!!!

  17. Tigra 07

    "A bowl of healthy salad, containing lettuce, tomato, and other salad items such as cucumber"

    Where's the cucumber in that photo? Can't have a salad without cucumber and SaladSandwich Cream!

  18. rmason

    no issues here.

    We still have the (delicious looking) cow emoji, so I feel pretty well catered for.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: no issues here.

      "We still have the (delicious looking) cow emoji, [...]"

      You are only allowed to worship it - not eat it.

      1. the spectacularly refined chap Silver badge

        Re: no issues here.

        That reminds me of the director's comment of the end credit over some movie - sorry I forget which now, may have been one of the Alien films.

        No animals were harmed in the making of this movie (but hundreds were eaten).

  19. Cuddles

    Not good enough

    The new emoji is still highly offensive to fruitarians. And no, simply replacing it with fruit won't work, that will still offend the breatharians. I will not be satisfied until it shows nothing but an empty bowl.

    1. Rob Fisher

      Re: Not good enough

      That bowl had better not be made of wood. Or plastic. Or rock.

  20. Rob Fisher

    Emoji not scalable

    Emoji is just not scalable. It's take until now to get a hippo emoji and there are still thousands of missing animals. Every new emoji takes hundreds of person-hours of proposal writing, committee meetings, graphic design and software updates. I wanted a sprout emoji the other day, when might that appear? And I haven't even got started on minerals...

    It would make a lot more sense to abandon pre-set unicode-indexed graphics and agree on a way to embed small SVG pictures into text, or some other text representation of graphics so that the sender could send any emoji without the receiver having to prepare for it in advance.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      A modest proposal

      We should instead prefer a restricted set of abstract symbols appropriate to representing the sounds of spoken languages. With a little effort a measure of commonality may be achieved, especially for languages of similar sound and origin. Perhaps as few as twenty-six such symbols might suffice to represent the richness of English, while still allowing for some whimsical and unpredictable combinations. Some might protest that such an approach borders upon sorcery, in honour of which perhaps we might call this form of written communication "spell-ing" ?

    2. ibmalone

      Re: Emoji not scalable

      We are in fact inefficiently reinventing Chinese writing. In the absence of a universal translator it's sort of useful to have quick access to little graphics of things like airplanes and toilets if you're abroad (though I've always found a phrasebook useful and camera translator apps are pretty good now), but the design by committee approach to what is now over 1.5k symbols (unicorn face? water buffalo?) not including modifiers that are now forming a very fragmented non-vocal language seems to be a waste of human effort.

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: Emoji not scalable

        Won't somebody think of the standards committee?

        We can't call Unicode "done" by merely ensuring it contains every glyph in every written language currently known to humankind.

        That'd have an endpoint!

  21. Noonoot

    Oh let's stop the PC nonsense shall we?

    Seriously? If I want egg in my salad, I shall have egg in my salad. Is it so hard to cater for both FFS?

    But what do we eggspect nowadays? It's eggsasperating to the say the least that one's eggspression becomes eggspendable

  22. Marco van de Voort

    Remove the tomato out of consideration for the Nightshade intolerant

    Maybe remove tomatoes too, out of consideration for the people with nightshade allergies?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Remove the tomato out of consideration for the Nightshade intolerant

      "Maybe remove tomatoes too, out of consideration for the people with nightshade allergies?

      Are they allergic to potatoes too?

  23. Dr_N
    Thumb Down

    No Olives or Anchovies

    That's not Nice.

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Diversity deficiency

    Hmmm. That's a very white-looking bowl.... just saying, that's all.

  25. fords42

    Here we go again...

    ...with the vegan bashing. Perish the thought some people actually care enough about animal welfare to take action and actively choose not to participate in what is a horribly cruel industry.

    Anyway, vegan or not eggs have no place in a salad.

    1. Velv

      Re: Here we go again...

      eggs have no place in a salad.

      Next you’ll be claiming that pineapple has no place on a pizza...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Here we go again...

      > to take action and actively choose not to participate in what is a horribly cruel industry

      Is not having a Facebook or Twitter account part of veganism too, now?

    3. cbars Silver badge

      Re: Here we go again...

      sorry, where is the vegan bashing? On first inspection this forum appears to be ridiculing the idea that a standard with the finite number of representations, should be representative of any subset of ~7billion humans. Not to mention that these humans are free to change their mind, hold multiple belief systems simultaneously, and generally be a bit chaotic.

      Identity politics is not going to solve the worlds problems, neither is the victim complex you're displaying. In my opinion.

  26. mscha

    Google needs to put bacon bits on the salad emoji.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      A vegetarian friend occasionally lapsed over a bacon sandwich. She was happy to eat fried clams in a Macau monastery restaurant. Buddhists draw the line of sentience above such delicacies - especially fried oysters.

  27. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

    Essential quote here:

    ...Then there was the opposite school. There was Mr. Edward Carpenter, who thought we should in a very short time return to Nature, and live simply and slowly as the animals do. And Edward Carpenter was followed by James Pickie, D.D. (of Pocohontas College), who said that men were immensely improved by grazing, or taking their food slowly and continuously, after the manner of cows. And he said that he had, with the most encouraging results, turned city men out on all fours in a field covered with veal cutlets. Then Tolstoy and the Humanitarians said that the world was growing more merciful, and therefore no one would ever desire to kill. And Mr. Mick not only became a vegetarian, but at length declared vegetarianism doomed ("shedding," as he called it finely, "the green blood of the silent animals"), and predicted that men in a better age would live on[Pg 17] nothing but salt. And then came the pamphlet from Oregon (where the thing was tried), the pamphlet called "Why should Salt suffer?" and there was more trouble....

    G K Chesterton: The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904)

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I literally cannot think of a more useless job than “UX manager for emojis”. How does this person even get up in the mornings?

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bigger Question

    They've updated the "family" emoji to have mum,dad,kid, mum,mum,kid and dad,dad,kid. But the kid is always a boy. Female infanticide in their "inclusive" world?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Bigger Question

      "But the kid is always a boy"

      You are making that judgement that on social gender appearances . Unless they are naked - and it could still be a wrong call based on appearance. :-P

  30. Dwarf

    A limp excuse of a salad

    I've never seen a salad with just green leaves (*) and a tomato. Where are the spring onions, radishes, cucumber, mushroom, beansprouts and the dressing.

    * What type of lettuce, any spinach, liven it up a bit ?

    This doesn't look like any salad I've seen !!

    Should it also be smaller, since most are side salads for something more interesting such as a large juicy steak ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A limp excuse of a salad

      "I've never seen a salad with just green leaves (*) and a tomato."

      UK 1950s seaside boarding house high tea?

      1. MonkeyCee

        Re: A limp excuse of a salad

        "UK 1950s seaside boarding house high tea?"

        1980s UK restaurant. The "three course menu" had a starter choosing from orange juice, apple juice and pineapple juice. Inevitably out of pineapple juice too...

        Side salad consisted of wilted lettuce. No fancy colours, other than the natural green to yellow range. No dressing. For once no grief for not eating all my greens, since I polished off my shoe leather minute steak with it's own weight of tomato sauce.

        People can bitch about harvester and 'spoons, but what they serve is positively amazing compared to some of the delights on family holidays in my yoof.

        My foreign wife has a very high opinion of harvester, on account of having her first eton mess there. Any attempt to convince her that the burgers are worse than McDOnalds falls on deaf ears.

        Even their salad bar is nicer looking than that sad emoji salad :)

    2. Tom 7

      Re: A limp excuse of a salad

      I frequently have salad consisting of just my home grown variety of iceberg lettuce (I forget the brand name but it has flavour!!!) and if there are toms from the poly tunnel they get added as a bonus. People fail to realise that a salad is merely a device for eating salad dressing and the greenery is there for the crunch and to provide a greater surface area for the sea salt to stick to.

  31. MAF

    Whoever hatched that idea failed to ovoid getting egg on their face...?

  32. SW

    Vegetable Salad - that's no vegetable

    So why's there a fruit in there...???

  33. tiggity Silver badge

    Platonic form

    Surely the platonic form of the salad is just vegetables / fruits (e.g. tomato is a fruit)

    You can have "extras" such as egg, tuna whatever but most (UK) person would regard just the "veg" stuff as salad - and stuff like dressing should be regarded as optional too.

    1. MonkeyCee

      Re: Platonic form

      "Surely the platonic form of the salad is just vegetables / fruits"

      I tend to be of the opinion that if it can be made in the cold section, it's a salad.

      Since there isn't a formal definition of vegetable (we all kinda know what it means) it's quite normal for something to be both a fruit and a vegetable, assuming the fruit of the plant is what we eat.

      You'll see it in some laws, where there is different tariffs for fruit and vegetables for example, that certain foods will be classified as one of the other, without regard for what they are scientifically, but to what they are in terms of savory versus sweet.

      Other candidates for fruits in salad are cucumbers, peppers, snow peas* and avocado. As long as it pops, whatever that means... :)

      * whole pea pods are fruit, individual peas aren't, as far as I recall

  34. mark l 2 Silver badge

    Perhaps this idea was thought up by the brain boxes at Heinz that think that Salad Cream needs to be renamed 'Sandwich cream' because people use it on sandwiches more than they do on salads.

    Well if the young generation have to have instructions on how to use it in the name of the product they are going to struggle to know what to do with Brown Sauce and perhaps put it down the toilet?

    1. Dwarf

      Sandwich Cream

      So why aren't they renaming it to "Fish Finger Sandwich, Jacket Potato, Chips, Salad and Sandwich Cream" - If we really need instructions on what to apply it to.

      The nanny state strikes again !

  35. Tanglewood73

    Right, that’s it – I’m stopping using all emoji’s over this!

    Oh, wait, I’ve never used them due to not being born in Egypt 5,000 years ago and sufficiently old enough to use words.

  36. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

    Is it just me..

    .. that doesn't measure an OS's capibility, security, utility and usability in terms of it having added some extra emojis?

    I'd rather they concentrated on trivia like security. Or stability. Or useful[1] functionality..

    [1] No, I don't mean in terms of being able to have dynamic, battery-sapping animatronics and AR. You know, trivia like being able to control who/what has access to your data..

  37. Robert Helpmann??

    What did you expect...

    ...when Google couldn't get a cheeseburger right?

    1. Tom 7

      Re: What did you expect...

      It doesnt really matter how you stack a cheeseburger. The only important element it the tomato must be sliced at an angle that mean it will be launched across the room at first bite.

  38. earl grey

    i'm going to hell for this

    All i can hear is Ozzy singing "eggs for dinner".

  39. Curly4

    What! Did the egg producers fail to payoff Google Well that will learn you.

  40. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    What is this sa-lad that you talk about?

    1. KBeee

      Re: Confused

      It's the bit left on the side of your plate after eating steak and chips

  41. Nick Gisburne

    Pork pie!

    The egg people say "Eggs are the perfect salad accompaniment", which by definition means they are not a part of the salad, just something to go with one. Me, I think a pork pie is the perfect salad accompaniment, but I will understand if the salad emoji doesn't show it. Wait, what? There is no separate pork pie emoji? You'll be telling me there are no Cornish pastie or black pudding emojis next. As for the pork pie with an egg in, that is simply an abomination - does it even have a name, let alone an emoji? Pig-egg pie?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Pork pie!

      "As for the pork pie with an egg in, that is simply an abomination - does it even have a name, [...]"

      It is a "Gala Pie". Lots of different recipes on Google - but the egg is in all of them.

  42. gimpySue


    It seems that is not inclusive enough. There are those, as has been pointed out, that cannot eat tomatoes. Then there are those that are left out because they cannot have green leafies (ie those on blood thinners, yes they can technically eat green leafies, but it must be consistent and is a medical angle not a dietary choice like with vegans)

    So if we remove the green leafies and the tomatoes are we being all-inclusive? Not yet, we have those that are being left out because they do not have a bowl (such as third world types) and cannot identify with it readily. So if we remove the bowl....

    I think we have an emoji that everyone can get behind. It's a blank square, but everyone is free to imagine it however they want. True all-inclusiveness. XD

    Now, if that logic is applied to all emoji, the problem of not being diverse enough goes away. Win-win right Google?

  43. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I heard of a thing

    called "virtue signalling"

    and just now I've seen it

    and smelled something like shSSHHHHKKK POWDERMILK BISCUITS

    Heavens, they're tasty and expeditious!

    They're made from whole wheat, to give shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done.


    Buy them ready-made in the big blue box with the picture of the biscuit on the front, or in the brown bag with the dark stains that indicate freshness.

  44. VeganVegan

    I apologize for coming late to this discussion

    Given my handle, I felt that I had to make a comment.

    First,: De gustibus non est disputandum.

    Second: I consume about 5 lbs (2.25kg) of meat a week, go figure...

    We presume that the planet Mars is the reference in the manfrommars handle; what do you call someone from the Vega star system?

  45. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge


    Isn't this what Unicode modifiers were designed to address? You start with a bowl symbol then add modifiers for lettuce, spinach, sunflower seeds, tomato, bacon, cheese, a dash of medium salsa, and steak. Even better if I can text that to a take-out restaurant. Damn, I'm hungry now.

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can't imagine why British egg producers would want their product associated with a bowl of pet fodder anyway.

  47. Whit.I.Are

    If Google are trying to be more inclusive...

    ...they should also remove the face from the poo emoji. That would be less discriminatory against those of us who don't do poos with faces.

  48. biebel

    That was egg saturated; let's toss the salad emoji now!

  49. kain preacher

    I'm sure they had an egg cellent reason to remove it. excellent

  50. NanoMeter

    Think of the meat eaters!

    Won't someone think of the meat eaters? This is not inclusion. I prefer my salads with ham'n stuff.

  51. Mr. Fatuous

    That salad isn't inclusive of my kids. One would only eat the lettuce and the other would throw the salad away and fill the bowl with crisps. He would have eaten the egg though.

    Why do you hate my kids Google?

  52. Scott Marshall

    What's the emoji for ...

    "Fu**wits" and "Fu**tards"?

    Seriously, all this "political correctness" hearkens back to the good-bad-old-days of KGB and the political commissars (or politruk) that ensured (enforced?) ideological "purity" in the organisations in which they were embedded.

    I wish the so-called "politically correct" w*nkers would realise that their so-called "inclusiveness" actually creates and promotes more divisiveness than previously existed.

    There's only one good thing for the precious little marshmallows; being shoved on the end of a big prong and roasted over an open fire.

  53. jaffa99

    Eggism, Adolf Hitler would be proud.

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