SAP is bad
SAP "HANA" is just brand blabla around MaxDB, a former open source database from Berlin university from the 1980s and later co-developed by MySQL co. (MaxDB has nothing to do with the MySQL database at all). MaxDB is a competitor to Postgres, Oracle, etc. Unfortunately SAP bought the source code and removed all open source code repositories their lawyers could find. Nowadays it's the core database technology that powers "HANA": (article is incomplete)
SAP CRM, their legacy product is sooo bad that everyone migrated to another CRM product from a competitor, even the die hard SAP fans moved away.
SAP ERP is also bad, it's technology is from the early 1980s. With a language forked of COBOL, called ABAB - even BASIC is more advanced their proprietary COBOL language. There is no IDE, no editor with syntax highlighting, no version controll, no source code repository - they live still in the 1980s, these SAP coders.
SAP ERP (R/3, mySAP, ERP.Next, NetWeaver, all the same anyway) has an UI optimized for 12" CRT monitors, common in the 1980s. Now with 27" LCD screens you see only a small window, and the rest of the screen is blank. Multi-tasking, not possible in SAP. Two people working on the same data, no possible, it looks the whole table. Pressing "Save" does a save and closes the screen. Pressing "Save" when you haven't changed any fields shows you a error-popup that you dare to press save when there is nothing to save anyway! LOL SAP is such a old rusty crap.
People die and are hurt, because of SAP ERP. I have seen hospital employees fighting with the SAP system while people have to wait next to them, and have to suffer greatly! Such evil should be forbidden.
Worst companies: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft - worst licensing, worst spyware, worst cancer spreading, your company will die when you buy one of their business software, slowly, but definitely! Do never ever buy one of their business software or services! Or be the CIO/CTO and get free luxury vacation and a golf club membership while the company you work for will die in a few years and everyone will start hate you!
Salesforce or any other ERP and CRM system, maybe even open source, can only be better. Hell, get two devs that code you our own little app that exactly fits your needs - many companies do, as even with SAP/Oracle/Dynamics you will need a lot of costly "customizing" aka custom development, and this "customizing" is needed for every software-"upgrade". Good luck.