Re: Re Trumptards
You want a reasoned argument?
He's Donald Trump.
A slightly more detailed reasoned argument.
He's a horse faced misogynistic sociopath who is to successful business what Jimmy Saville was to compassionate childcare. His policies on the environment and practically everything else would have Suharto, Pol Pot, Chaucescu and Stalin going pale and suggesting he back it off a little. Single handed he's done his level best to destroy NASA, the EPA, and every scrap of scientific worth he can get his mitts on (pun not intended) .
He's got the social grace of duckweed and about the same level of understanding of international affairs. He's managed to undermine and piss off every department of government in a way uniquely his own.
Not to mention that almost every single idea he's had has been racist, homophobic, or recidivist to some degree (or all three) and almost all of them have fallen flatter than a 50th floor suicide.
The man has put back gender, race and sexuality acceptance by 20 years and now all the Trumptards and Trumpettes who are racists have carte blanche to put the boot in (or more likely ram the shotgun* somewhere intimate). I'd love to see the hate crime figures from when Trump got in - I'd imagine a graph going up faster than a F35 on reheat.
But you've missed the point entirely. It really doesn't matter that Trump is a sociopathic cockwomble of epic proportions who is about as good for the human race as a worldwide Marburg pandemic. It really is of no consequence that the little cretin should have been drowned at birth or will be singlehandedly responsible for screwing up the environment and international relations possibly permanently. He was perfectly happy to admit these facts - he's even proud of them.
No. The terrifying thing is EVEN KNOWING THIS FULL WELL 51% OF THE COUNTRY VOTED FOR A SOCIOPATHIC, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, MISOGYNISTIC, ILL EDUCATED, CORRUPT AND DANGEROUS IDIOT. which basically makes every single one of those people a small copy of Trump.
Over half of the United States population think living in a mash up of Deliverance, Sore-Ass Hill**, Mad Max & Squidbillies via Dr Strangelove and "the day after tomorrow" is a fantastic concept.
And some of them did it because they were more scared of the alternative - a woman.
I don't know about you, but that scares me rigid.
* "Fer poof blastin'"
** Brokeback Mountain for non cynics.
PS: the British Tory party supported Bobbie "I'm not a Syphilis riddled nutcase" Mugabe and he's visited the UK - despite the fact he's the deranged dictators deranged dictator and uses copies of the Geneva Convention for toilet paper (he's certainly never read it). The Tories don't even want Donnie Dickwit in the country - because he's worse than Mugabe! That's not a position to aspire to. And the American people put him there, "democratically".
As pTerry said "The problem with democracy is that you can't stop Nobby Nobbs from having a vote". Congratulations on half an entire country of Nobby Nobbses.