The suit was never going to work.
But more interesting is the real reason for the ban.
Kaspersky correctly ID'd US government malware when no one else did.
I'd be a least slightly concerned that the others were either incompetent or playing along.
Either way, they don't get on my machine.
Let's not forget the guy who took it home was breaking laws that would get us tossed in Gitmo, or at least jail. This super programmer was even using pirated system code, as if they didn't pay him enough.
Yeah, Russian state actors who'd probably cracked Kaspersky (along with US and other 5 eyes agencies - and a few kids, likely) got a copy as a result. This is very painful and embarrassing to the agencies that wrote this badware.
And it demonstrated once again that they are unqualified to keep secrets of any kind, and are NOT interested in protecting us - or they'd have told the various vendors how to fix those attack surfaces.
Some of these guys want backdoors into our crypto when they can't even keep their own crown jewels in the safe safely? That'd be the biggest target painted on a back in all history...hubris much?
Nope, their fetish with spying from a cubicle led us here and IS THE PROBLEM.
Get off your bum and do HUMINT if you really need the info - yes it's hard, that's why it's valuable. It's not like we don't pay you enough. Fire some of the useless dead-weights if you need extra bucks, and you know there are plenty.