My 12 year old
Needs to get a job at the reg. She'll probably write a better analysis than this!
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise is crediting the success of its Next corporate remake – as in, who should we fire Next – in helping it top expectations in its latest financial quarter. Execs at the IT goliath said Tuesday the ongoing efforts to focus its business and reduce headcount are working out better than planned, leading the …
Well, there is a thing where management spend less time worrying about dozens of different things and focus their time just on a few things that generate more money.
A lot of the time its not just having salesmen out there but having all of the other bits that you need to make a deal closure work.
I know it sounds illogical, but it is perfectly possible theoretically.
I think you're right - every worker should be sacked and replaced by an Outsourcing Manager who does absolutely f***-all except add extra layers of cost and paperwork for what his underlings do.
I vote we start by putting anyone who seriously[*] believes you have suggested a good business model in a submarine and outsourcing the OBOGS support role first...
[*] You *WERE* joking - weren't you??
Jobs being a cost to a business rather than a benefit isn't exactly controversial. It's an accounting identity. Arguing against it is like arguing against double-entry bookkeeping. If a firm can make more money (or even the same money) with fewer people, that's a GOOD thing. It's otherwise known as "increased productivity".
I'm not sure how cutting operational staff makes a company more able to cope with change. Especially when the best and brightest are the most able to jump ship when see the possibility of job loss and I'm going to assume that's happened a lot. Oh well, outsource it all. How could there be an issue with that? ;)