The theory of the theory of the theory
During a set of community lectures at held at Sydney University, an Australian Geologist working on the NASA water on mars, drew a diagram on the whiteboard it was a huge and 'C' like except more closed and had a tiny (about 1/16) extra stick on the inside of the bottom end.
"This is the Genetic Family Tree of all life on Earth", "this huge section (the curve) here is comprised of single cell and multi celled organisms", the life form at the intersection of this 'stick bit' here are 'Algae, and they continue along 'the curve' there". The first life form on the short stick part is 'Fungi' and then in turn all other life, 'Plants', 'Sea life & Fish', 'Insects', 'Birds', 'Reptiles', 'Mammals', 'Humans' etc."
We looked on with awe.
He continued, "Micro Organisms have a continued existence for over 3 billion years, live in a myriad of places, all over the outside and inside the earth's surface, in rocks, plants and other life, even humans, in hot and cold extremes, just about everywhere."
"They have traveled off the planet, thrown up by volcanic explosion and comet strike, and returned, and they exist today in greater number and mass than all other life on earth put together."
"They individually live short lives, consume and reproduce, and die often, do not have brains, yet they are far more successful than humans.".
It was a view I had not approached, but now presented to me and others, could never drop.
Micro-organisms, space traveling, success stories and more successful than humans.
Birds and animals and probably other life i.e. sea life, etc too, were hunting by fire, using tools to accomplish tasks, have personality, feelings, intellect all before humans existed.
Of course life exists in the universe, micro-organisms, occasionally algae, molds & fungi, more rarely insects, and more rarely again fish & birds, then extremely mammals.
Homo-sapiens Sapiens, had more imagination than did the other Homo genus's, even Homo-sapiens Neanderthalensis.
We come along invent GOD, tell ourselves he made us in his own image and we have the right to consume and destroy whatever we wish, much in fear of existence itself.....
We are still suffering from this over active imagination, with thinking on Dark matter. This matter was the difference between that which we observed and what our theories calculated. We now use theory to help with our observations. While at the same time imagining up to and beyond a mirror-verse of repeating universes in a multitude of dimensions.
A simulation is only a good as the sum of it's parts. Some life game on a quantum computer is still a life game on a computer. Scientists still cannot model exactly how our galaxy formed, or what happened to it to arrive where at we are today. Models that run backward only show the limitation of our current understanding, the clock turns but little happens after a short period.
Get real, focus on our planet, the solar system, and the galaxy if you have to but keep it real.