The wombat is the only animal
with square turds.
Not many people know that.
Wombats generally get tagged as #cute in social media images, but on dates things can get, umm, hairy, with boffins reporting bum-biting as a prominent mating behaviour. If a male Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat runs down a female in a burrow, he's confronted with a challenge: the marsupials' ample, muscular, and extremely solid …
The aussies have a very strange idea of what the word "cubic" means. So much for the square peg in a round hole joke that was simmering just under the surface ...
...Dr Swinbourne and colleagues have been observing the more common Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat's mating behaviours to develop a breeding model for the northern cousin....
...Dr Swinbourne has not just happened upon a local Wombat S&M club...
If he has, the Northern Cousins are going to be SO surprised by the human's attempts to help them to breed...
Top tip : If you're gonna have a cosy fireside shag on a soft rug with the girlfriend ( later to be wife and later still be the ex) make sure her dog is securely locked away.
Collie rather than wombat but it still bit my arse. Drew blood but thankfully no hospitalisation.
Perhaps she ( the gf) moved a little and let out a whimper?.
ps the dog and the ex shared the wombats feature between them, one the hairy nose, the other the big rump.