Re: Not quite
"Are you, or have you ever been, a customer of Telstra, or are you just spouting off the common, but generally unjustified, bile that seems to be fashionable?"
I'll play. I have been a Telstra customer and we have a large number of clients who are. I reckon we see a Telstra related problem about once a week.
The latest one was 45 minutes on the phone plus a four hour wait in order to reset an email password for a service that is scarily archaic but only six months old.
Most of the customer service problems stem from Telstra being so Balkanised. There seem to be hundreds of tiny departments responsible for hundreds of unconnected services. No one talks to anyone else until forced to when have to go through the same tortuous phone system as outside callers. And woe unto thee who has to contact the Digital Business unit - they simply don't answer the phone even to internal calls.
Wait until your business has been without phones for a week because the service visit was cancelled by another department (WTF?), then see if you think the bile is merely fashionable rather than totally justified.