back to article New Monty Python movie to turn old jokes into new royalties

When legendary comedy troupe Monty Python staged “Live (Mostly): One Down, Five to Go” in 2014, its surviving members filmed themselves taking what they promised would be their final bows together. So how can we then speak of a new Python movie in the headline? Because, according to entertainment industry outlet Deadline, the …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    1. deadlockvictim

      Don't forget the other two holy words

      Peng & Nyugen

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Re: Don't forget the other two holy words


        1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

          Re: Don't forget the other two holy words


        2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

          Re: Semprini?


        3. Graham Marsden

          Re: Don't forget the other two holy words

          > Semprini?

          Arrest that man!

      2. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

        Re: Don't forget the other two holy words

        Eki eki eki patang zoo poing zzraazrroohhhh...

        Nice word isn't it?

        I'll get me coat (and the helmet with the stag antlers on, please)

      3. Shades

        Re: Don't forget the other two holy words

        Ecky ecky fatang

    2. J. R. Hartley

      Spam, spam, egg and spam.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        *stands up with the vikings*

        Spam spam spam spam spammity spam spammity spam!

        Spam spam spam.

        Spammity spam spammity spaaaam!

    3. J. R. Hartley

      Are you saying Ni to that old woman?

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Well I didn't expect that!

    5. Ugotta B. Kiddingme
  2. TRT

    Shovelling shedloads of sheet glass in the shithouse?

    That's hard to swallow.

    1. Vulch

      Re: Shovelling shedloads of sheet glass in the shithouse?

      African or European?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Shovelling shedloads of sheet glass in the shithouse?


    2. User McUser

      Re: Shovelling shedloads of sheet glass in the shithouse?

      When I get my membership card and blazer badge back from the League of Agnostics, I shall urge them to launch a formal protest against that religious racket.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Always dreamed of this comedy collaboration

    Monty Python, Father Ted, and Rowan Atkinson and his buddies e.g. Stephen Fry

  4. Pomgolian

    Sounds like....

    ...daylight shrubbery to me

    1. 45RPM Silver badge

      Re: Sounds like....

      And then you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest—with a herring

      Seems a bit fishy to me. Are you sure this is legit?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Sounds like....

        given the opportunity I will post this link. Every. Single. Time.

  5. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Well, I'm a golfer member of The Church of Python, so yes, I'll pay my dues.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cardinal Fang ..!

    Fetch the comfy chair ...

    1. austint

      Re: Cardinal Fang ..!

      The comfy chair?

  7. brizo2478

    Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Come and see the violence inherit in the system!

    1. Chunky Munky
      IT Angle

      Bloody peasant!

      1. Aladdin Sane

        A method of government where the ruler is decided by a watery tart distributing swords is looking pretty good right about now.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          You sir, owe me a glass of water.

        2. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          You know Trump would never be able to wield Excalibur with those tiny hands of his . . .

  8. Jay 2

    I'm a bit bemused, but it's not the first time of such a merry-go-round. The same happened with The Producers. Original film in 1967, stage musical in 2001 and then a film of the musical (eh?) in 2005.

    1. Aladdin Sane

      Same with Hairspray.

      1. VinceH
        Thumb Up

        They should therefore extend the cycle more fully. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (and the other fillums) probably wouldn't have happened if there wasn't the original TV series, Flying Circus.

        So the full cycle would actually be:

        TV Show -> Fillums -> Musical based on one of them -> Fillum based on that musical -> TV show.

    2. macjules

      What is next, Brian, The Musical to be followed by Brian, The Musical, The Movie?

      Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend...

      1. David 132 Silver badge


        (Pedantic grammar nazi icon for obvious reasons)

  9. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

    Short of cash?

    Has John Cleese remarried again?

    1. Spanners

      Re: Short of cash?

      I think he's still paying for a previous one+.

      1. TRT

        Re: Short of cash?

        Look, he didn't come here for an argument.

        1. Huw D

          Re: Short of cash?

          Yes he did.

          1. TRT

            Re: Short of cash?

            No. He didn't.

            1. Sgt_Oddball

              Re: Short of cash?

              Now you're just contradicting me. That's not an argument!

              1. TRT

                Re: Short of cash?

                Yes it is.

  10. TheProf

    Been done before

    The Mel Brooks film The Producers (1967) that led to the musical play based on the film The Producers (2001) that lead to the film based on the musical play based on the film The Producers (2005).

    Good for the Pythons! If they (continue to?) make more money than the current crap crop of funny people then good on 'em.

    Of course I'm still waiting for the Marx Brothers revival.

    Edit: Ah what @Jay 2 said.

    1. Tom 7

      Re: Been done before

      Most of the Marx Brothers films are out of copyright so you can find them in various states online. Need a safe machine to watch them on I'd guess.

  11. Jove Bronze badge

    Spare a thought for Artu; He has had no royalties out of Monmouth's fantasy twist.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > Spare a thought for Artu

      Have we moved to Star Wars now??

  12. Kane
  13. Bob Wheeler

    When I was a lad...

    ... I had an evening job in the local cinema. I got to see the films, always in small parts, and out of sequence depending on actually doing some work. We had a double bill of "Blazing Saddles" and "Holy Grail" on for about three weeks - shows how popular the films were.

    The jokes in Blazing Saddles got stale after the first week, but Holy Grail kept us laughing every night for three weeks.

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: When I was a lad...

      The jokes in Blazing Saddles got stale after the first week,

      Back in the 90s Channel 4 used to broadcast some films with subtitles for the deaf, one of which was Blazing Saddles. The bean eating scene started off with short onomatopoeic captions on one line which got longer and longer, eventually taking two entire lines, and ended around half way through the scene with a final caption that read "The farting continues …". That's stuck in my memory longer than the actual jokes in the script.

  14. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?

    Hopefully all tickets will come with a free shrubbery. And sorry, I can't resist...

    But how do you knoooow she's a witch?

    Well, she turned me into a newt... but I got better.

    1. Fungus Bob

      Re: Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?

      What else floats?

  15. FuzzyWuzzys

    My two favourites

    "Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"

    "Bloody peasant!"

    "Oooh! What a giveaway!"

    And of course...

    "Yes, you must spank us all. And after the spankings comes the oral sex!"

    1. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: My two favourites

      As I recall, no mention of who would be giving, and who receiving the oral sex...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: My two favourites

        Would you care?

    2. Sgt_Oddball

      Re: My two favourites

      Peasent 1:Must be a king...

      Peasent 2:How can you tell?

      Peasent 1:He's not covered in shit....

    3. jimbo60

      Re: My two favourites

      My favorite theater moment was the couple in the row in front of us that overheated during the Castle Anthrax scene.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cleese has got a lot of ex-wives to pay for. Perhaps his funniest moment.

    1. TRT

      Ex-wives? As in wives that have ceased to be? That have shuffled off this marital coil and gone to join the choir invisible?

  17. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    "and now for something completely different!" (not)

    I really enjoyed Spamalot and so did the audience if the smiling happy faces were anything to go by.

  18. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    The jokes may be old, but many are immortal

    just like the Black Knight really (OK, let's call it a draw)

  19. iron

    cash being shovelled in the direction of the Pythons

    Alimony and viagra are expensive you know.

  20. MrKrotos

    I'M BRIAN!

    and so is my wife :P

    1. EnviableOne

      Re: I'M BRIAN!

      He's not the Messaih HE's A VERY NAUGHTY BOY!!!!

      1. Intractable Potsherd

        Re: I'M BRIAN!

        I was fortunate enough to get tickets for "Not the Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy)" at the Royal Albert Hall in 2009. It was as brilliant as expected, but made all the better by someone coming up to the standing balcony right at the top (cheap) at the interval, and asking me and Mrs IP if we would like their tickets, as they had to leave. We saw the second half right down in the centre of the stalls, close enough to see the stubble on Eric Idle's chin!

        (I just looked it up to be sure of the year, and discovered that the whole thing was recorded - I need to get that DVD!)

  21. Tezfair


    Wife and I were bored last night channel hopping so watched Life of Brian on Netflix. It's like an old friend

    1. TWB

      Re: topical

      A pal of mine who used to lecture on international politics used Life of Brian to illustrate many aspects of political theory to his students.

      As a youngster (slightly underage) I went to see it when it was first released and loved it. When I saw it when I was older, the socio-politcial jokes made far more sense meaning that I got more out of it later.

      Still love the "You're all individuals....." etc bit - best joke ever IMHO in so many ways.

  22. ekky

    What a stupid concept.

  23. David 132 Silver badge

    I object to all this sex on the TV.

    ...I keep falling off.

  24. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    No-one expects....................................

  25. Sgt_Oddball


    Autumn changed into Winter ... Winter changed into Spring ... Spring changed back into Autumn and Autumn gave Winter and Spring a miss and went straight on into Summer ... Until one day ...

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Given that I used to own the cassette of the soundtrack of the trailer of the film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I'd say that they're staying true to their principles.

    You can google that by the way, that's what it was called.

    1. Not That Andrew

      Re: Given...

      It's actually The Cassette Of The Album Of The Soundtrack Of The Trailer Of The Film of Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Executive Version) I have The CD Of The Album Of The Soundtrack Of The Trailer Of The Film of Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Executive Version)

  27. TheRealRoland

    What's that sound?

    Oh, must be the Royal Society of Putting Things on top of Other Things working overtime. In this case, stacking all the cash...

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