And in a similar vein
My father used to work for the now defunct "Vinten Communications".
They had one "wiresman" who was absolutely meticulous in his wiring. If a wire entered a loom at a particular location, you could be certain it would come out at exactly the same location at the other end of the loom.
So this fellow was always assigned the new prototypes, as his attention to detail made any necessary troubleshooting of the new prototype so much easier.
One day after he had finished assembly of one such prototype unit, the staff gathered around to watch it fire up for the first time.
The power was switched on, and after a few moments smoke started wafting out of the prototype.
The wiresman's face slowly turned white as the smoke billowed forth.
Unbeknownst to him, the staff had hidden some paper drinking straws taped end-to end into the back of the unit, with one of the staff hidden away at the far end of these straws, blowing cigarette smoke down the straw. Fortunately for the poor wiresman, one of the observers couldn't hold a straight face for too long, exposing the practical joke as everyone cracked up laughing.
Strangely enough the poor wiresman was not amused.
So Douglas Adams was right, even before he wrote that "what they really couldn't stand was a smartarse."
Icon? Well where there's smoke...