back to article NASA lunar rover trundles to a meeting with Doctor Hacksaw and Mister Axe

NASA has hinted that its Lunar Resource Prospector rover won’t be going to the Moon anytime soon. Not in one piece at any rate. The American space agency's new administrator, Jim Bridenstine, pulled out his axe on his third day in the job, and tweeted out what hinted at confirmation of the rover’s cancellation. We’re …

  1. Notas Badoff
    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rocket sighings

      "They?" You mean the Federal Business Opportunities Agency? Why would they be measuring distances in space in any kind of units?

  2. IglooDude

    Another market for Lyft, looks like. Or maybe time for a cooperative venture (a la ULA): SpaceUberLyftX?

  3. LenG


    Sounds like a good place to test self drive cars. Let the motor industry fund the rovers in exchange for a chance to test their sofrware somewhere where it won't matter if it can't tell a truck from the sky.

  4. Chozo

    More prospectors. More commercial partners.

    Somebody has been watching Moon Zero Two

    1. Francis Boyle

      Re: More prospectors. More commercial partners.

      I, for one, am always up for a low-G bar fight.

  5. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

    He's looking,,,,

    For a large supply of hardcore. For a wall....

  6. TrumpSlurp the Troll

    No explanation

    As to why they can't contract a private firm to deliver the lunar rover.

    Possible "getting it working" problem?

  7. Yesnomaybe

    I was hoping

    for Robot Wars ON THE MOON! The content of the article was far less exiting.

    1. Nimby

      Re: I was hoping

      to see a counter-punch to the ax using a low-g flipper on Robot Wars ON THE MOON!

      Still, the idea of making scientific payloads to go onto a commercial rover that flies there on a commercial rocket is kind of interesting?

      No, actually, it's pretty darn stupid. Even a commercial rocket to land on the moon is pretty nonsensical. Putting sats in orbit on commercial rockets? Sure! Makes perfect sense. Plenty of commercial sats in orbit, so makes sense to have commercial companies to get them there. So why have a space program to duplicate that effort? But a moon lander and a moon rover? Why exactly would a commercial company offer those for rent to NASA? I feel like surely I must be missing something, because that part fails a sanity check. Is there a thriving moon-mining industry that I somehow missed? So in that respect, the article is quite interesting. (If not depressing.) I weep for NASA.

  8. ravenviz Silver badge

    launch vehicles, lunar lander spacecraft, lunar surface systems

    It's going to get awfully messy up there.

  9. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

    Mek Quake

    Says it all really......

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