AI is database, not algorithm. Pytorch 1.0 framework is for algorithms, right?
How does Pytorch 1.0 framework touch AI?
For example, I structured Dostoevsky's books, annotated each his work by its unique dictionary definition, expand my queries by synonyms and asked Definition questions:
Question: All right, would you like to talk about moral issues?
Answer: OK ...
Question: May I ask you to spare some change?
[2.8% Fyodor Dostoevsk_108]
Esteeming, and so to say, adoring you, I may at the same time, very well indeed, be able to dislike some member of your family
This is AI as a database/ AI prototype! Dostoevsky is alive and answers my questions by their meanings. Can Pytorch 1.0 framework do the same? No?
The technology in the US PTO, try it yourself and verify my results?