Here's some alternate distribution methods that might be interesting.
1. Lottery - Put class members into a random drawing, and change at least a few of their lives. If they're not able to distribute the settlement evenly, then why not make it fun, and change the lives of at least a handful of people
2. Annual Checks - Keep pooling the money from all of these types of settlements into a single escrow account, and whenever the balance clears at least $32.57 Billion (or whatever it would take to cover the actual cost) everyone in the country gets a check for $100. Depending on how fast that account fills up, it could be more or less--so it would only happen when the amount is at least $100, but the payments wouldn't go out more than once a year. In theory, if it fills up quickly--folks could start getting some decent sized payouts.
3. Vote - Allow class members to submit proposals how to spend the money, and then have them all vote on it. Technically, people would actually be deciding where to spend their share of the proceeds, rather than one person, one vote. For example, if a settlement was only $0.04 they could divide it across as many as 4 proposals, or dump it all into one. Since everyone isn't likely to participate, a specified window of time, whatever shares weren't distributed, because people didn't bother voting, would be distributed across all the causes that weren't fully funded, proportionate to the number of votes they received.
4. Burn it - Take the money out of circulation completely. If you were to take it a step further, just use it to buy precious metals, and then destroy them--if you have a weak stomach you can sped it on bitcoin and delete it. Anything to add value to everyone else's money is alright by me!
The thing I like about option 3, is that it could be literally anything, from charities, research projects, businesses, government programs, and probably more than a few goofs as well. I'm sure that for every kid with special needs that gets a free trip to space camp, that there will be a few flat earthers that need money to get launched into space. Sure, money will be wasted on pointless things from time to time, but as long as the money doesn't directly, or indirectly reward the people who are supposed to be punished--that's all that matters.