Methinks they doth protest too much
Facebook furiously pumps brakes on Euro probe into transatlantic personal data slurping
Facebook today appealed the Irish High Court’s decision to pass the web giant's legal battle with Max Schrems over privacy rights to the European Union’s top court. At the heart of the long-running case is the question of whether or not Facebook is fulfilling its European privacy obligations when it transfers European citizens …
Monday 30th April 2018 20:30 GMT Anonymous Coward
Facebook didn't respond immediately to a request for comment.
'Facebook didn't respond' - is closer to reality. Facebook CEO + CTO UK/US repeated testimony of 'I don't know' is all about stalling. Do they still see this as a PR issue, that will just go away, like 15 years of past apologies. Lets have a quick reminder of 'the core values' at Facebook:
Monday 30th April 2018 20:39 GMT Anonymous Coward
'you cannot appeal against a decision of the High Court to refer a question to the CJEU.'
But it gives Facebook Sheryl more time to make backroom Phone Calls. Ireland is complicit in all of this. Irish Politicians don't want to take Apple taxes despite being 10's of billions in debt from the 2008 bankster crisis!
Tuesday 1st May 2018 10:40 GMT The Hamster
But why is the fight for privacy so important for UK? After Brexit all the stuff around the GDPR is going to become a moot point as UK's privacy laws will be more inclined to resemble the USA ones, especially considering the fact that UK will need friends and allies and considers the US their "special friend" and ally against the EU.
Tuesday 1st May 2018 10:48 GMT Anonymous Coward
GDPR is being enshrined in UK law, regardless of Brexit. Granted, they "could" more easily be changed further down the line, but from day 1 of Brexit we'll still be subject to GDPR.
Tuesday 1st May 2018 13:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
"special friend"
The UK already has friends and allies but we are in the process of trying to drive them away.
As for the US becoming such a special friend against our neighbours, you just have to look at its behaviour towards the UK since WWII. With a few fine exceptions, like Bill Clinton in Northern Ireland, they have been unhelpful at best. They do not honour extradition treaties but expect us to send our disturbed children to face their "legal system". Financial reporting to furriners is not famously accurate. They kidnap our citizens and pass them around their dodgy friends before keeping them in Guantanamo. Now they apparently want to do away with consumer protection and standards.
People from the USA are fine but their government has not consistently been our friend. This is unlikely to change.
Tuesday 1st May 2018 13:36 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: "special friend"
It looks as if both our governments are in desperate panic as the citizens become more aware that they are corrupt and incompetent, along with simply ignoring our wishes. Since they pretend their hold on power is based on our consent, the loss of it scares them to the point of them making childish and obvious fabrications to whip us up against all kinds of "anyone but them" enemies, some of whom have to be laughing up their sleeves about how, for once, our governments HAVE underestimated our intelligence.
Wittingly or not, the social media has helped divide and conquer by helping create silos that keep people engaged - outrage works as well as anything to keep those ads flowing. I have many friends all over the political spectrum, and we've had to acknowledge the "shoe shop ray" effect on keeping us from being able to discuss rationally those things we differ on. I want my country back, along with those few friends still caught up in the manufactured outrage.
There are plenty of things to be mad about that are real, instead, which is why those we'd be mad about are so busy creating fake ones to distract us. Their increasing obvious ineptitude in keeping the plates spinning to distract us is showing...
Posing anon as they make enough trouble for me as is...but since we are starting to win, that'll change.
Just be aware that this is happening on more than one side of the pond. I hate having to apologize for my government, as I suspect you do too. They fear we'll do something about that, hence the distractions and surveillance to nip any real action in the bud.
Tuesday 1st May 2018 15:58 GMT Avatar of They
Not quite so.
We have to have GDPR in order to trade with EU, we have to basically abide by their rules on a lot of things. Unless they do a deal (unlikely) that lets us off.
And the way Brexit is currently going with the bunch or tools in parliament I think we will be begging for scraps from a table at this rate.
With that in mind unlikely we would have a two tier DPA system for EU and then a lesser one for the US and all these make believe trade agreements ready to be launched.
Wednesday 2nd May 2018 05:44 GMT big_D
Re: Not quite so.
Yes, given the amount of trade, especially services, but anything that needs invoices, contact information etc. on EU citizens falls under the GDPR, the UK doesn't have a lot of choice.
In this regard, the only thing Brexit brings the UK is a lack of say in any future changes to the data protection laws (and probably many others). The UK will still have to implement the changes and abide by them, or the companies that deal mainly with Europe will have to go "onshore" to an EU country to continue trading...
Tuesday 1st May 2018 16:24 GMT Rol
My data. My website. My rules!!!!
Here's an idea for a business and a service..well two actually..MyHouse and Me!
MyHouse is a database containing all the pertinent details of the property, such as energy meter serial numbers, and their current readings. Energy efficiency values, date of construction, construction type, etc.
MyHouse has restricted access, with only the occupier, council and energy providers allowed. The occupier can grant other agencies limited rights of access, with a one off temporary account.
Thus, the occupier ned only limit themselves to one set of privacy standards, which they themselves have full control.
And Me! is basically the MyHouse application for all your personal details, which again would be the sole repository of all your data, which again, you are fully in charge of. Access is granted on your terms, and can be as limited or comprehensive as you wish.
Once these two sites have been set up they would be the only place on Earth where those details are kept, with all other organisations removing your details from their systems in place of a reference and churning access code, supplied on demand to authorised users.
Effectively the likes of Facebook would have nothing other than a link to your Me! site. They would have none of your details on their servers, and therefore nothing to sell.