Local printer issue
On phone.
Is the printer connected to your PC?
Are the cables fully connected?
OK I will be in building 225 in a hour I'll take a look as my first port of call.
On hour later...... discover a 6 inch gap between the end of the cable & the printer
Imagine a Vicky Pollard Yea, but no but yeah series of denials in a Indian accent (As hilarious as it sounds) in front of all her office co-workers (All female & the male department manager frequently shut the door of his office to avoid being driven insane by them - His words not mine).
A older Xerox one as told to me 30 years ago.
Uni Graduate, done the manufacturer courses & has ended up now as a fully qualified Xerox Service Tech (I'm as amazed as you are but never mind). Hes been walked through, mentored & it's his first night on night shift alone.
Phone rings 2am.....
Printer dead on 5th floor.....
I'll be right up.
A hour of head scratching later, the printer is still dead & down.... He rings the boss..
Have you tried this......Yes
Have you tried that....Yes
Have you checked that there is power actually going into the printer at all........Errrr No.......!!!! Ummm nothing there.
Not your F***ing problem is it then, come & see me before you finish your shift & we will discuss basic fault finding techniques again.
Similar one with HP told that X PSU assembly needs to be replaced with Y PSU assembly otherwise X will blow. Part X finally arrives but not Y, told to go to client site as client is pissed & can't work*, do basic diagnostics but DO NOT REPLACE X UNTIL YOU HAVE Y, courtesy visit only..........
OK 2 & a bit hours later, one half of a round trip.....Arrive.....
Are you here to fix the printer?
No I only have one half of the parts, the repair will be useless without the other (Verified it happened to me at a different location different client Part X committed suicide on power up). I'm here to give the printer a check (For the bleeding obvious was my first thought - British Accent & see username) while we wait for the other part (As you have been screaming about it being down as mission critical, but have no contingency in place was my next thought).
30 seconds later.....
You have no power on the cable....Have you tried plugging anything into this power socket to see if it works?
Urrrmmmm No
Have you tried plugging this printer into another power socket that you have something else plugged into & currently working?
Urrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm No
Can we try that if you have a extension lead handy?
Urrrmmm Yes but I don't think it will fix the printer (Confident).
Plug in....Whrrrrrrrr Hmmmmmmmmmmm Printer Ready (As ready as quickly as a HP printer can power up & then after running self diagnostics on its navel).
Print after print spews forth.......
You might want to check your circuit breaker or get a electrician into to look at that plug, in the meantime I'll close the call then as printer fixed then shall I.
Urrrmmmm Yes Thanks
Make it to my car before laughing like a drain about rural Albertans....
*Note for anyone reading this in Canada & wanting insurance, The Co*perat*rs Offices tend usually to have only one printer in smaller locations, typically only two in larger ones.