Re: They're only responding in kind
I'm not so sure that the 2011 outage is quite such a big deal so far as these things go. Nowadays there's been equally debilitating TITSUP moments from Google, Microsoft, Apple, almost everyone, and set against that industry "norm" BBM's outage is comparatively tame. Except that it was the first to happen, and there wasn't really any other alternative service to fall back on.
For example if one considers Skype over the past few months from MS it's been a prolonged partial TITSUP culminating in MS finally restoring the old version of the client that actually worked. Skype has been so awful my entire family has gone to BBM instead. It works a treat for calling, videophone, etc.
Spot on about missing the boat with BBM on iOS and Android. I guess they feared diluting demand for their BB10 phones, but that should have been set aside as soon as it became obvious that BB10 would be too little too late.