Re: Calling all software engineers!
"An app on your phone has a list for all official fixed cell towers in your region."
Problem is maintaining the list. Networks are bringing new cells on line, taking old cells down all the time. The stinger type devices spoof a network to sniff the IMSI, so could spoof a genuine cell tower ID.
For those interested in how easy these things are go Google "GSM in a box download". A PC (not high spec) and a SDR transceiver and you can build a basic system yourself in an afternoon, complete with SMS, authentication HLR and VLR facilities and with Asterisk added it can be your own private GSM system! Highly illegal as you would need to transmit on carrier frequencies but an example of how simple things can be.
Granted the 'professional' stinger system are able to do more but I'm sure a dig around the WWW would enable a competent Linux person to build one.
Products like this pose a greater risk to protection of personal data
Traffic Cop " Good evening sir, I suspect you were using your mobile phone, please let me plug my analyser in to check"
Driver " I was not using my mobile phone, but OK if it gets me on my way"
Traffic Cop " Thank you sir, it will only take 30 seconds"
In that time your whole phone contents are compromised and currently (in the UK) with no oversight or protocols in place.