Still no go
I will continue running my DNS on a VM in a cloud service and query that via a VPN thank you. No trusted researcher is to be trusted (one thing CA affair shows quite succinctly).
The article missed a few points:
1. DNS manipulation is a standard censorship method. You can still instructions on how to configure your DNS to point to Google spray painted on the walls in Turkey and a few other places. It is also used in the UK by a number of SPs to enforce various "you are not supposed to be seeing it provisions".
2. Switching to this DNS provides Cloudflare with a unique advantage. DNS source query address is standard method for CDN optimisation. If you query via Cloudflare only they can hit you with an optimized CDN endpoint straight away. Other content delivery networks will have to achieve the same via redirects or deliver sub-optimally. So there is a very clear self-interest here as well.