The home office is not fit for purpose
I think that everybody needs to accept that they can´t always have it their way and that we´re going to have to compromise if we are to find a solution. We can´t continue to leave the floodgates open and It is too extreme for many to rebuild those flood gates and close them.
There are very large numbers of British subjects that want immigration from countries with polar opposite values to be stopped. Only 5 years ago the general consensus seemed to be fine, let them all in and bring their families too. But something changed.
The impact and outcome of mass and largely uncontrolled immigration from societies that have a superiority complex, views on homosexuality and women rights that are simply incompatible in a Liberal Democracy, above average birth rates and a two tiered non-secular legal system are now known.
It took time but now the effects are well known and as it happens, the effects seem as though they are not worth it.
Previously open minded people have now shifted their positions to one of ¨enough is enough¨.
Polarising news outfits such as the Guardian, BBC and Daily Mail only inflame the situation further and it still a taboo subject, we still cannot discuss to elephant in the room without drawing accusations of Nazism or bigotry and Far Right political views in-spite of us effectively importing those very same attributes through immigration.
The home office cannot manage this situation, they have shown that they are incapable. Their main focus appears to be coming down hard on those that follow the rules and engage with the system while those that present a danger or at least ignore internationally accepted migration and immigration norms are waved through. Some horrifying inconsistencies exists ranging from admitting known enemy combatants who have engaged in combat with the enemy who have then gone on to commit acts of terrorism in the UK to handing out life bans on entry to the UK to Conservative journalists.
The media are complicit in this, i note that the mainstream are referring to these banned journalist as ¨Far Right Activists¨ when they are nothing of the sort.
We know that the Home Office are incapable of preventing those that would do us harm and those that seek to change our culture to meet their own desires, from entering and from staying here. We also know that a growing number of people are changing their views on the subject and we must know by now that it is impossible to continue to try to control immigration this way without A) bad people getting in and B) collateral damage.
It is time for a national debate on what we want, are we on the right path? Do people really understand where this path is leading?
If the Home Office cannot manage a simple database then we have a much larger problem than databases on our hands, we have a government department that is unfit for purpose and a government that is calibrated with the population.
Personally I think that the current faux par of referring to specific demographics within the main immigration pool is extremely unhelpful. Many would say ¨ban muslims!¨"and other would say ¨we need then for the NHS!¨.
We, why can´t we continue to have mass immigration but favour countries that share our values system, such as Canada, The US, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, certain parts of India, Most of the EU.
Why do we seem to recruit almost exclusively from pools of people from mainly Islamic countries that have very little in common with us?
Is it any wonder that we are seeing such a huge backlash against immigration?
I am going to go anonymous on this one because there are so many guardian readers here that it will be moments before the Far Left abuse starts coming in but to you especially, Far Left reader, My views on this are that we must discuss these issues freely so that we might examine them and you never know, agree a solution that is acceptable for everyone, including you.