You guys never give up
Guccifer was an obvious put up job.
Files were copied consecutively at 22 mB/second and pushed to Wikileaks. Despite being wiped, like with a cloth. I'm sure someone built a nice cable to the Russkies for that data rate. Sure. I also have this bridge for sale.
Funny that while the heinous crime of releasing the DNCs secrets was so horrible, even they don't claim fabrication of any of that. The DNC really DID DO that awful stuff, which they confirm by their silence, and no, it's too late to change your mind now. Not even false outrage and accusations of fabrication?
El Reg, FYI - SF is a hotbed of people with a political opinion that obviously does not reflect most of the US, and allowing editorializing based on that bias might not be wise in terms of retaining readership.
The facts and the usual sexual double entendres will do by themselves, thanks.
So, they caught the guy out. I'm supposed to sit here happy with the idea of you calling me and mine morons because some skiddy did some ignorant junk and we believed it - which was magically more powerful and influential than the zillions of bucks spent by the candidates? So, you're, calling them morons too? The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.