Re: ID codes and hashes
Not that tired old canard again. Only wrongdoers need fear correct identification.
Not that tired old line again.
It's not the access to wanton excess people are concerned about, nor fear of the practical and legitimate uses of identification.
But the potential for scope creep these entail.
Once these sorts of measures have been introduced and become the norm, even for the welfare of a part of the population, it is much easier to add other activities to the list of requiring valid id, and the use for which it was presented.
Before you know it, you could be needing to present it for other activities the authorities think are unhealthy - alcohol purchases will be next, followed by salt or maybe even sugar - child obesity and all that - there could be kids hanging around corner stores in the future, interacting with strangers trying to get them to buy sweets for them, it's happened occasionally over alcohol after all.
For those mature supposedly mature enough to make our own decisions, it's a short stop for the government being able to identify your ID being used for risky behaviour to being harassed about taking therapy or having your usage declined....