back to article Beware VMware! Nutanix sprays all over Virtzilla's networking territory

Nutanix this week teased analysts with a software-defined networking product called FLOW and made no secret of its intent to muscle in on VMware's turf. NSX is VMware's software-defined networking and security platform, based on acquired Nicira technology from 2012. Its latest iteration works with the Pivotal Container Service …

  1. Sam Crawley

    Nutanix PR

    Is someone on the Reg newsdesk mates with the Nutanix PR or are they buying the Vulture the requisite quantity of ale?! They seem to get a lot of "press-release-as-news" coverage here!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nutanix PR

      Yeah, it's a bit ridiculous.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Nutanix PR

        Who the fuq is voting this down?

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