back to article Screw everything! French swingers campsite up for sale, owners 'tired'

The "world's first 100 per cent swingers camping ground" has been put up for sale because "we are tired", its pensioner owners have said. The French one-time nudist resort, which later went the whole hog, is owned by one Francoise Vetter, who told excellent European news website The Local that in the year after switching it …

  1. JeffyPoooh

    It would probably need a good scrub...

    Maybe some bleach.

    Benches and nudism are not compatible with OCD.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It would probably need a good scrub...

      >Benches and nudism are not compatible with OCD.

      Or diarrhoea and other incontinence.

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
      Paris Hilton

      Re: It would probably need a good scrub...


      from Up Pompeii...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It would probably need a good scrub...

      Proper naturists know where their towels are...

      AC because - well why do you think?

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: It would probably need a good scrub...

        Proper naturists know where their towels are...

        Any tourist in search of a deck chair will know where the German towels are

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Climate averages for Lyon

    Temp max/min

    April 16° / 6° rain 8 days

    May 20° / 10° rain10 days

    June 24° / 14° rain 8 days

    July 27° / 16° rain 6 days

    August 27° / 15° rain 7 days

    September 22° / 12° rain 7 days

    October 17° / 9° rain 9 days

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Looks a bit nippley in April.

    2. Victor Ludorum

      I need new glasses

      > Climate averages for Lyon

      I read that as climax averages...

      1. N2

        Re: I need new glasses

        Average lion climaxes?

      2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > Climate averages for Lyon

      Vichy is not Lyon. There is some high terrain in between them which has some impact on the weather. Generally, Vichy is greener / wetter and a bit colder too, both in summer and winter. It wouldn't be my first choice for a campsite. It has on the other hand managed to maintain a bit of its spa town atmosphere and is in general terms less of a shithole compared to Lyon.

      1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

        Lyon a shithole ?

        I don't know what part of Lyon you spend your time in, but it is obviously not the right part. Or it's been a while since you went there.

        I visited Lyon last year and I much prefer it to Paris. Great architecture, nice people, proper living standards, free bus transport, and generally much cleaner.

        I felt at ease in Lyon, which is much more than I can say for Paris.

        And I'm French.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          > I visited Lyon last year and I much prefer it to Paris.

          Bon j'allais dire justement : oui ça fait moins shithole que Paris, mais ce n'est pas le moindre mérite.

          L'architecture moderne que tu vois (que) dans certains quartiers est en effet un reflet de la bande de prétentieux qu'y gouvernent (peu importe ses couleurs politiques). D'ailleurs, à presque deux Euros le billet simple les transports en commun n'ont rien de gratuit, tu est sûr qu'on parle du même Lyon ?

          > And I'm French.

          Désolé pour toi.

          1. Paper

            J'ai visité Lyon il y a quelques années, aussi Paris et Nice avant ceux. Je dois dire que, bien que Lyon était agréable, encore j'ai préféré Paris (cependant peut-être je pense que les parisiens adore-déteste toutes personnes qui sont anglophone ;) ). Les gens de Nice étaient "nice" aussi.

          2. Dr_N
            Thumb Up

            @AC >Désolé pour toi.

            Douchiest post of the week! Well done.

            Maybe next time try it in English for greater clarity and wider audience.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              > Douchiest post of the week! Well done.

              Yeah I know, it's called French humour.

              > Maybe next time try it in English for greater clarity and wider audience.

              Maybe next time try learning a furrin' language or two, for a broader world view and mindset?

              1. Dr_N

                >Maybe next time try learning a furrin' language or two, for a broader world view and mindset?

                Poor AC. Douchie and assumptive.

                I've been living and working in France for over 20 years. My French is fairly good.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          >And I'm French.

          My deepest sympathies at your military vehicles only having a reverse gear and a mandatory white flag in the kit.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            > My deepest sympathies at your military vehicles only having a reverse gear and a mandatory white flag in the kit.

            To be fair, the French are good soldiers. It is the officers that could use a bit of spine.

            If you want to talk about beyond disgraceful, remember who were supposed to protect Srebrenica.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              > To be fair, the French are good soldiers. It is the officers that could use a bit of spine.

              I wrote that originally. In light of the events occurred two days ago near Carcassonne and the actions taken by a Lt. Col. of the Gendarmerie, I must withdraw the second part of my comment. It was originally meant to refer to the very upper echelons and political leaders, but nevertheless. I do apologise, it was a completely undeserved mischaracterisation.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          >I visited Lyon last year and I much prefer it to Paris

          That's not much of a recommendation. I know that some parts of Paris are quite nice but a good deal of it isn't.

  3. Christoph

    But according to Jonathan Coulton they can't open until the first of May each year.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      First of May

      > But according to Jonathan Coulton they can't open until the first of May each year.

      Funny that, for most businesses working on the first of May in France is illegal. Always used to be a pain scheduling work, we always had to avoid that week whereas we could ignore most public holidays.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Do nudist swingers add chosen clothing to make it sexy?

    As D.H.Lawrence said in his poem about figs. The purpose of fig leaves is not to hide for shame but to adorn - to pique the imagination about what cannot be seen.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I wouldn't trust anything D.H.Lawrence has to say on the subject of sex. Guy was pretty fucked up.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        I wouldn't trust anything D.H.Lawrence has to say on the subject of sex. Guy was pretty fucked up.

        But he was good with camels and Arabs.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "But he was good with camels and Arabs."

          You mean his acclaimed pillar of wisdom?

          1. gazthejourno (Written by Reg staff)

            "But he was good with camels and Arabs."

            That was T E Lawrence, you Philistine.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              That was T E Lawrence, you Philistine.

              If my humour is unappreciated, then I shall stick to drowning my sorrows, as shown to the right.

              1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

                Led "Swinger"


                If my humour is unappreciated...

                Do you come here often?

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Led "Swinger"

                  Do you come here often?

                  When I'm not busy in France.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              "you Philistine."

              Is that next door to Palestine?

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                "Is that next door to Palestine?"

                It incorporated Gaza on the coastal strip.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  "It incorporated Gaza on the coastal strip."

                  So yes then.

              2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

                you Philistine."

                Is that next door to Palestine?

                I'm still trying to figure out if you are just trying to be funny or really don't know.

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                > Is that next door to Palestine?

                Down from it and yes, the names are effectively the same (Arabic does not have a /p/ sound, which is why you shouldn't be alarmed if your boss Ahmed tells you you deserve a bat on the back)

                1. stephanh

                  What have the Romans ever done for us?

                  The Romans are to blame for the name Palestine; they so renamed what was called Iudea after crushing Yet Another Jewish Revolt (TM). By that time the original Philistines were long gone. A classical example of digging up an old name from the history books to make a political statement.

                  The Arabs just took the name from the Romans when they conquered the area.

                  Essentially Palestine/Philistine comes from two different traditions of transliterating the same name into Greek. Palestine (with a π) is a secular Greek tradition whereas Philistine (with a φ) is the rendition by Greek-speaking Jews, which made it into the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible); the Septuagint was in turn highly influential in other Bible translation including the King James. Hence "philistines" in English.

                  Note that what the Romans called Palestine was much larger than the original area of the Philistines, which was essentially just the Gaza strip.

      2. Russell Chapman Esq.

        He wasn't perfect but that is my family, albeit distant, you're talking about, keep your insults to yourself

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          > He wasn't perfect but that is my family, albeit distant, you're talking about

          Lawrence, Lawrence, the camels, the Arabs, the Phillistines, or the phillistines? Just so I know which insults I should keep to myself.

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
      Paris Hilton

      Clouseau in a nudist colony

      A Shot In The Dark (1964)

      Paris: Elke Sommer

  5. wolfetone Silver badge

    Owners are tired are they?

    Speak to your GP. They're a blue pill for that.

  6. Jemma

    Nude Petanque

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Years ago we got a cheap set of those (plastic balls), it probably would have been in France.. And to be blunt you could have used the things in a cannon as effective and weighty ammunition. You could probably have driven over them with a tank and they'd not have taken a scratch.

    I hate to imagine what would happen if a couple were getting friendly and someone got one in the love spuds. La Vasectomy Francais..

    Still better than the couple banging away in the long grass who had a bad experience with a Caterpillar crawler.. Driven by the husband.

    "honest your honour, I had no idea they were there.."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nude Petanque

      /Plastic/ balls? For /pétanque/?! The mind boggles.

      Proper steel balls are mandatory.

      1. Robert Helpmann??

        Re: Nude Petanque

        Proper steel balls are mandatory.

        Cue the Superman jokes...

      2. JLV Silver badge

        Re: Nude Petanque

        but definitely not blue steel ones, not at this location.

    2. FrogsAndChips Silver badge

      Re: Nude Petanque

      Real pétanque balls are made of steel and weigh approx 1.5 lb. Plastic balls are for kids or tourists.

      1. Jemma

        Re: Nude Petanque

        Sigh. We were tourists, driving either the cream of English, a Vauxhall Cavalier, or the cheese, various Ford Cortinas. You really have never understood the concept of suicidal if you haven't tooled around north Wales in a Ford Cortina with no other tapes than Cliff bloody Richard!

        Still must have rubbed off, after 87 we had 4 Renaults in a row - two 25 and two Safrane.

        My parents have still got those old balls - as smooth now as 30 years ago, and they've still only been used about twice..

        That's a thought actually - if we subverted all the US radio stations to play Cliff Richard on a constant loop - probably have the same effect as VX gas, and be soooo much cheaper.

        Has to be said I've never seen the point of swinging, usually more flakes than Cadbury.

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: Nude Petanque

          usually more flakes than Cadbury.

          For those too young to remember the old days...

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Nude Petanque

          My parents have still got those old balls - as smooth now as 30 years ago, and they've still only been used about twice..

          You're not an only child, then?

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Nude Petanque

          > after 87 we had 4 Renaults in a row

          My heartfelt commiserations. :'-(

          1. Jemma

            Re: Nude Petanque

            Best cars we ever had. Better than the Mercedes - one of which ate its turbo in 1500 miles. The 2.5 automatic did 100,000 miles with nothing more than services and tyres.

            I bought one myself for £600 that was doing OK until two years ago when wiring gremlins and stuff started showing up - and with a sump heater, waiting, and pulse and coast it managed a regular 28-30mpg urban - the rating was 22 with the auto.

            A shame they stopped bringing them over here - big Renault/Citroën and Peugeot most comfortable cars I've ever been in. Just don't try and tow a 16ft caravan at 85mph - I was driving after dad's hernia op and we hit a long hill at 60, halfway down it had crept to 85 and started snaking. The cruise control went on after that.

      2. Teiwaz

        Re: Nude Petanque

        Real pétanque balls are made of steel and weigh approx 1.5 lb. Plastic balls are for kids or tourists.

        I think the plastic is really meant for the beach and better sand visibility.

        1. Ochib

          Re: Nude Petanque

          Just don't play Petanque with the BOFH

  7. Chris G

    Don't want that swing.

    The trouble with a camp full of naked swingers is not having enough mind bleach after seeing some of what's swinging.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Don't want that swing.

      You might be wrong. I'll let you do a Google image search just to be sure.

      1. Chris G

        Re: Don't want that swing.

        @AC I might be right too. There is a German run swingers club here in Ibiza called Beverly's, I used to do security for various wealthy types visiting the Ibiza clubs, one client wanted to go there, I still need to drink the occasional bottle of bleach when I think about the place. Not bleach bleach but a memory dysfunction aid, a bottle of Cune will do it.

        I'm not talking about open sex just how some of the client dressed and looked and behaved without actually 'getting a room/play space'

    2. fishman

      Re: Don't want that swing.

      When many people think of nudists they think of young fit attractive adults going naked. The reality is that most of them are old, overweight, and unattractive - like most people.

    3. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Don't want that swing.

      What the place needs is a Swing-o-meter

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    mini-golf course

    The easiest golf course in Europe to get a hole in one.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: mini-golf course

      Until you show off your very limited ability with your partner's language by enthusiastically complimenting them when they get a hole in one. They turn and say "what do you mean? - "wrong hole" ".

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The trouble with a camp full of naked swingers is not having enough mind bleach after seeing some of what's swinging."

    A similar personal aesthetic could be stated about many people wearing clothes. As they say - whatever turns you on (or off).

    In the 1960s some of our computer maintenance engineers were posted to an Eastern Bloc country for a year or so. They said that after a while women with a moustache and built like a shot putter started to seem normal and attractive.

    1. kain preacher

      Not dating a women that look like she could go toe to toe with mike tyson back in the day and not feel a thing.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > In the 1960s some of our computer maintenance engineers were posted to an Eastern Bloc country for a year or so. They said that after a while women with a moustache and built like a shot putter started to seem normal and attractive.

      Whereabouts in Bulgaria did you say they were posted to?

  10. Pen-y-gors

    Obligatory inflamatory Brexit comment

    If the Remainers had spent a few minutes explaining that one of the benefits of EU membership was easy access to this sort of holiday camp (a tad more interesting than Butlins Pwllheli) then Remain would have won by a landslide. In future it'll be very embarrassing at French immigration "And what is ze purpose of your visite to la belle France?" Red-faced, errm,errm, "Pleasure?"

    Okay, I suppose we could open something similar in Hull, and employ the ex-trawlermen to fish the rubber balloons out of the swimming pools.

    1. Teiwaz

      Re: Obligatory inflamatory Brexit comment

      Okay, I suppose we could open something similar in Hull, and employ the ex-trawlermen to fish the rubber balloons out of the swimming pools.


      Are you mad?..... the cold, wind and rain would strip the out layer of skin off you in minutes...

      ......Hmm, might work if it was a BDSM swingers place.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Obligatory inflamatory Brexit comment

        "Are you mad?..... the cold, wind and rain would strip the out layer of skin off you in minutes..."

        Oh, I don't think so! It's pretty mild down south in Hull. You've obviously never seen the outfits worn on a night out in Newcastle in the middle of winter.

  11. Pen-y-gors

    Not cheap

    But maybe some sort of crowd-funding by El Reg commentards. Big question though, do they have really high-speed WiFi?

    And where do naturist swingers carry their iPads?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not cheap

      On a string loop - big enough to hang round their necks if necessary.

    2. earl grey

      Re: Not cheap

      And where do naturist swingers carry their iPads?

      Nature's pocket; where else?

  12. Roq D. Kasba

    I tried to tell a Frenchman that I was an overweight homosexual

    He thought I was tired.

  13. Bob Wheeler

    professional restaurant

    Well, you don't want an armature restaurant do you.... any one for meat balls?, toad in the hole?

    1. 's water music

      Re: professional restaurant

      Well, you don't want an armature restaurant do you...

      I suspect there will be reg commentards interested in exactly that sort of thing

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: professional restaurant

        Well, you don't want an armature restaurant do you...

        I suspect there will be reg commentards interested in exactly that sort of thing

        Anoraks - somewhat redundant in a place like this (outside of the rainy season)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: professional restaurant

      "any one for meat balls?, toad in the hole?"

      Sausage sandwich? Pork scratchings? Beef curtains?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: professional restaurant

        "Pork scratchings? "

        Pig roast?

        1. EarthDog

          Re: professional restaurant

          sausage and gravy?

        2. The Nazz

          Re: professional restaurant

          AFAIUI the more common term in such behaviour is "spit roast".

          Last time i looked at a well known UK swingers site, a fab one, there was a female (just) offering herself for pleasure.

          Just as well she could not spell "Luscious" correctly or else there'd be a case for a trade descriptions body to investigate/reprimand.

          Besides, rather than buy the place, wouldn't it be better/cheaper/warmer to go to Cap d'Adge like many others do?

          Or Maspalomas etc.

          My mate tells me, that if you are the luckier one, you even get a suntanned behind.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: professional restaurant

            "AFAIUI the more common term in such behaviour is "spit roast"."

            My initial recollection of the euphemism was either "barbequed pig" or "pig on a spit". One of my young friends had a particular fantasy about that after finding that he and his pal at university were sharing the favours of the same woman at different times.

            I did wonder if my memory was getting confused with "rat on a stick". Google seemed to favour "pig roast" so I went with that.

      2. Omgwtfbbqtime

        Re: professional restaurant

        I wasn't expecting a fish course. - Coupling - BBC

        -With thanks to Steven Moffat

    3. PhilBuk

      Re: professional restaurant

      If it was an armature restuarant I could get my starter motor rewound while I ate.


    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: professional restaurant

      And ...a licence IV bar.. for events such as "Night of the IV Vodka".

    5. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: professional restaurant

      "Well, you don't want an armature restaurant do you...."

      Is that the one at the top of the BT (nee Post Office) Tower?

  14. BebopWeBop

    For the more, ahem, energetic swinger, the site also includes a volleyball court, a pétanque terrain and a mini-golf course.

    I would imagine that playing golf in the all together would have multiple swinging bits.

  15. caffeine addict

    Why is this in bootnotes? Naturism doesn't allow boots...!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Naturism doesn't allow boots...!"

      Foot protection is sometimes necessary - especially if crossing hot tarmac/concrete areas.

      1. Omgwtfbbqtime

        Foot protection is sometimes necessary

        Adds a new meaning to flip-flops.

  16. ' DROP TABLE users;

    Let's form a syndicate

    and buy the place :)

    1. JassMan

      Re: Let's form a syndicate

      That would be a SCOP (Sociétés CoOpératives et Participatives) that you would want to form. A Syndicat is a Union.

      Or you did want to form a union of nudist camp bench cleaners or some such?

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    If you ask me, biped mammals look hilarious sans clothing and it encourages healthy behavior such as not sitting down all day, exercise etc.

    Also clothing wasn't exactly a recent invention and in fact it is well known that sperm counts are affected by them. Something about temperature, possibly and kilts help or so it is said.

    The biggest reason why clothing is a good idea is due to risks of certain bugs spreading more easily but in fact I am not convinced it is such a problem when regular hand washing is much more effective as a countermeasure. Half decent hygiene is the biggest remedy and to be honest if folks took the time to even use hot rather than cold water and soap not rely on antibacterial rubbish that grows even MORE bugs (tested here)

    1. meanioni

      Re: Heh

      "if folks took the time to even use hot rather than cold water and soap not rely on antibacterial rubbish"

      Plenty of research that shows that whether the water is hot or cold is irrelevant; similarly if the soap is normal or anti-bacterial. The main factor in hand (or for that matter any other body part) washing is how long and how vigorously it is washed (I just know that will trigger comments...)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Heh

        "[...] similarly if the soap is normal or anti-bacterial. "

        IIRC the routine use of household anti-bacterial products is another factor in the increasing resistance to antibiotics. They can also upset the balance of our benign bacteria on which our bodies depend.

        We need a small dose of malignant bacteria every so often to tune our immune systems - especially when we are young. Too much hygiene can be counter-productive.

        1. Jan 0

          Re: Heh

          AC wrote: IIRC the routine use of household anti-bacterial products is another factor in the increasing resistance to antibiotics.

          Sorry, your memory is failing. Antibiotic resistance develops through exposure to sublethal doses of antibiotics, or by exchanging genetic material with other microbes. These antibacterial additives are there to satisfy the marketing department and that section of the public that doesn’t realise how effective detergents are at killing and removing microbes. If you really want to make certain, deep clean with detergents and vigorous agitation, then finish off the lurkers with chlorine (bleach) or iodine.

          Now let’s get back to real smut;)

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Heh

            "Sorry, your memory is failing. Antibiotic resistance develops through exposure to sublethal doses of antibiotics, or by exchanging genetic material with other microbes."

            2 September 2016 newspaper report


            Antibacterial soaps were banned from the US market on Friday in a final ruling by the Food and Drug Administration, [...]

            Professor Patrick McNamara, who has published research on antimicrobial soaps, [...] after these chemicals are used in our homes they go down the drain to wastewater treatment plants and eventually to the environment where they can select for antibiotic resistance genes. In short, triclosan and triclocarbon present a risk towards propagation of antibiotic resistance,” he said.


            1. Richard 12 Silver badge

              Utter tosh

              Antibiotic resistance is caused by exposure to antibiotics.

              Nobody puts antibiotics in soap because they're expensive - and pointless.

              The stuff in antimicrobial soaps is just detergent - which rips cell walls apart because they're made of fats.

              It's perfect - no change to ingredients but an extra tickmark on the box.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Heh

            Is it all or nothing strategy. Human body is not an island. A living human is a composite of multiple interdependent creatures working in symbiosis It is many creatures with distinctively different DNA working together and symbiosis. Our body is a biome. When that biome is out of balance, the effects on it by external factors are offset by both additional presence of foreign bacteria, or the absence of essential symbiantic varities. You're not just you, you are the components of multiple life forms and their interactions.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Heh

              Interesting factoid: an artist lady once made yoghurt using her own uhm, organisms.

              Interesting factoid *2, after doing some more research I learned that FMTs often use a related family member as the donor because the bacteria are often more compatible due to genetics and other factors.

              Interesting factoid *3 (red hot today!) natural yoghurt is often used to treat stubborn infections in women as it works a lot better than the expensive and side-effect prone antifungals usually used. Strangely enough in times of old this was well known but fell out of favor around the 1300s. (see ancient texts that also coincidentally mention sylphia, a plant that went extinct due to overuse and climate change)

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Heh

          > We need a small dose of malignant bacteria every so often to tune our immune systems

          I'll try to keep that in mind next time I come across my neighbour's offspring.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Heh

        "[...] is how long and how vigorously [...]"

        A recent report suggested it should take as long as singing one verse of "God Save the Queen".

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Heh

          > A recent report suggested it should take as long as singing one verse of "God Save the Queen".

          Including the time needed to Google up the lyrics or without?

        2. Teiwaz

          Re: Heh

          "[...] is how long and how vigorously [...]"

          A recent report suggested it should take as long as singing one verse of "God Save the Queen".


          It'll be cold day that I do anything vigorously for the length of 'God Save the Queen' (even one verse).

  18. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    Not tonight Josephine

    owners 'tired'

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Volleyball when guys are swinging doesn’t sound like such a good idea...

    ... unless you’re into that.

    Maybe it’s ladies only, and the guys are the judges... I could get behind that.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Maybe it’s ladies only,[...]"

      Just as bad for women. That's why sports bras were invented. As a friend once explained "try running with two 500g (1lb) bags of sugar swinging on your chest".

      1. Teiwaz

        That's why sports bras were invented

        There is prior art for sports bras, some older civilisations came up with the idea for tight wrappings for support - same with the old jock-strap.

        1. imanidiot Silver badge

          The point stands though. Running with unsupported bulgarian funbags is probably not so much fun, hence why even ancient civilizations found a way to give them some support.

  20. Bucky 2

    Not much of a camper

    Funny story. I'm not much of a camper. I had to look up "caravan." The mental image of all those camels and swingers didn't seem plausible.

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