back to article Two years and $19bn later: What happened to WD's SanDisk enterprise flash advantage?

Western Digital is letting its acquired market share in enterprise SSDs slip away from a revenue and capacity perspective as rival Micron - now infused with ex-SanDisk execs - keeps on growing like a weed. According to TrendFocus estimates, tweaked by Wells Fargo senior analyst Aaron Rakers, SSD unit sales for each major …

  1. Cuddles


    "Intel had a 20 per cent capacity shipment share, up from the 22 per cent a year ago."

    That's not really how "up" works.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Up?


    2. eldakka

      Re: Up?

      The world has gone crazy, up is down, down is up, cats and dogs living together.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Right now, Crucial's new MX500 seems to be doing well.

    While it's only an observation,

    Crucial seem to have got the release price on the MX500 right, undercutting Samsung, with it's release of the Samsung 860. Crucial's circa £65 for the MX500 250GB is where prices are settling. Good drive, with a reasonable price tag, £15 less than the Samsung 860 250GB, with little perceivable performance difference. What's not to like?

    Crucial seem to be much more aggressive in their pricing in 2018, to gain market share. We'd always gone the Samsung route, but it feels like Crucial have caught Samsung on the hop, with the MX500 model.

    (I've no link to either company)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Right now, Crucial's new MX500 seems to be doing well.

      Well, they got the crucial price point...

      I would say that Samsung is "the reference" to any ssd drive, so they can get premium prices.. as any other drive is going to be compared to samsung.

      I got a few sk drives for my current company and one for myself, and they are quite good (for the price), I am surprised that oems are not putting them on more laptops.

      My educated guess is that both hynix and toshiba have concentrated way too much in apple products and now have little in dirves with their names.. a big big error, as Apple can pressure them too much on prices.. and drop them completely when they fail to invest (due to low prices from Apple).

    2. Nate Amsden

      Re: Right now, Crucial's new MX500 seems to be doing well.

      Sounds like you are talking consumer SSDs when the article is about enterprise SSDs

  3. blunderbus

    Walking away from products does not help

    They bought SanDisk, who had purchased FusionIO. Then they walked away from the product. Their latter line of products doesn't work on Windows 2012, which is still in use in many places.

    Hard to do well in the market when people cannot trust you actually supporting the product tomorrow that you sell today.

  4. DCFusor


    m.2 SATA drives are the only SSD's in my networks that have failed, ever (most here are Samsung and a few older Intel) - and they weren't doing hard duty as linux boot drives - they were just doing /boot or /root, but in the latter case, a spinner was /home under root (and another spinner partition was /var).

    They seem to have "latched up" like the bad old days of CMOS SSI logic - they got hot. I managed to get them to read once in around 20 tries in an adapter to get config files off them, but actually lost data in one case.

    This didn't happen even when every dev here had IBM death-stars fail in the same week - we _do_ backups. Maybe this is only anecdotal, but Crucial here has a 100% failure rate and the only data loss since the 286 days.

    Their ram seems fine...

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