I guess it'd be good for their canabusiness
For Wednesday's bollocks du jour comes news that Ocado, the UK online grocer, is to fling bottles of cannabis oil-infused spring water at gullible thirsty customers. Drinkers hoping for a relaxing lunch break followed by a somewhat unproductive afternoon will be disappointed on two counts. A 500ml bottle of the liquid - made …
> Love Hemp trumpets effects such as improvements to cognitive function and "health and wellness for the mind and body".
Scoff if you like, but they have obviously been drinking so much of their own product that the improvement in cognitive function allows them to see claims in a WHO report that those who have not drunk the miracle product fail to find.
It's too strong for Homeopathy. Weaken it by a 100 times. That'll make it work better for Homeopathic uses. hmmm, 250 liters of water to get the same amount as you get now from 25? no, we can do better, make it 2500. After all, less is more right?
Mines the one with the snakeoil in the pocket. Wanna buy some?