How do they tell if their ghostbuster made mistakes in the exorcism since you can't prove ghosts are real in the first place?
I'd certainly like to see how that disciplinary process is challenged.
The Vatican cannot be accused of lack of interest in the continued professional development of its staff. Just look at the dedicated exorcism training course it set out this week for clergy interested in advancing their skills. Apparently it was set up to cope with demand after the number of requests for such services tripled …
I hate to be prosaic about an activity with so much comic potential but no one wants exorcism until it there are problems for humans, and providing a successful exorcism service requires happier humans after the exorcism. That requires some considerable skill however you look at it, hence the recommendation of an apprenticeship period.
If my memory on the matter is correct, they wouldn't be dealing with ghosts. I think that any spirits of the deceased in Catholic belief are all in Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory, leaving only demonic and angelic entities roaming around in the world. Though given that I am not and have never been a Catholic I could be mistaken. Not that angels and demons would be any more possible to prove scientifically than ghosts mind you.
Also I think that the belief is that mistakes would either result in a failed exorcism or the exorcist would risk becoming possessed themselves.
@Inventor of the Marmite Laser "Which, of course, begs the question: are there any Jewish ghosts...?"
There must be as they were popular enough to spawn a sitcom called So Haunt Me in 1992 about, "A suburban family find their new home is still occupied by the ghost of its previous owner, a middle-aged Jewish woman."
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Benigno Palilla: Don't cross the streams.
Novice Exorcist: Why?
Benigno Palilla: It would be bad.
Novice Exorcist: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?
Benigno Palilla: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously, and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Cardinal Fang: [shocked gasp] Total protonic reversal.
Novice Exorcist: Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Benigno.
Ximinez: Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and faith...faithand surprise.... Our two weapons are faith and surprise...and making a quick buck.... Our *three* weapons are faith, and surprise, and making a quick buck...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as faith, surprise.... I'll come in again.
Benigno Palilla: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously, and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.Cardinal Fang: [shocked gasp] Total protonic reversal. ... kryptonaut
And/or total platonic reversal too, kryptonaut. For the Passion it is difficult to believe is truly awesome.
" ...trainee exorcists should work closely with priests in the field before taking on casework themselves
Well of course, didn't we all learn that from the film? You need a young priest, an old priest, a hysterical mother, a small child with an extremely upset stomach, and not matter what you do, keep away from the stairs!
Hmmm? ..... 18.02.23 for Magical Deeds indeed.
Some, a Select Few who are Many, Equate those to Heavenly Tasks for Global Operating Devices.
And where is the dotted line for signing up for Vatican Secret Services .... with Surreal Engagement.
And that's quite enough information leaked for now, methinks. There are Lots to Process there into Practical Intelligence.
Thanks. That was Simple and Easy.
Now What? The AI Way Creating Futures for the Future?
Ok .... and that Hot Bot News to Right Royally Really FCUK Energise Mainstream Media Streams/Virtual Terrain Teams.
And Trialing and Tinkering with Future Programming of Quantum Communication Systems here with El Reg ...... and welcoming FeedBack/Advancing Commentary ........for Immaculate Scribes to Share as Virtually Perfect Scripts for Presentation of Future Augmented Virtual Reality as the True Source to Everything.
In a Ground Zero 0Day Play Ground are there Skills and Hacks beyond compare .... so All who Enter In Beware and Be Aware, the Rewards for Success however are Immense and Colossal.
Still on the Julian calendar.
There was the Greggsorian Advent Calendar, but that was not very successful
"And Berlusconi is moving back into politics."
You mean he who sued the Economist for saying that he "is unfit to lead Italy" and then lost? :)
While we can laugh at the belief in such supernatural absurdities, such beliefs can have a very dark side:
"These beliefs are very real and on occasion people are going to take this to extremes where a child can be murdered,” said Inspector Allen Davis, who leads the Metropolitan Police’s response to the issue. “There are a number of ways that an adult will try to rid the child of the evil they believe is within them. They might try to burn it out, cut it out, strangle it out, drowning can be involved, or starving and beating.”
The autobiographical story by Jeanette Winterton - "Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit" - detailed her treatment by an English evangelical cult to which her mother belonged. They objected to her romantic relationship with another teenage girl - taking it as the sign of both of them needing to be exorcised.
A recent twitter post showed a video of two schoolboys celebrating Valentine's day. Here are a couple of comments that were posted. I fear for the boys' safety.
1) This is not beautiful . Satan is working 24/7
2) What Msunery is this??? Jesus where art thou? Now we don't kill we pray for your Salvation, Without rebuke and enlightenment everything that's wrong eventually looks right unto mankind, we are a weird species ,left alone chaos rules .
With a picture of the usual biblical quote from Leviticus.
100% of the time it results in a situation where no objective evidence of a ghost, demon, or evil spirit (misc) can be detected.
Almost 100% of the time the child even physically survives the process.
In more than half of all exorcisms the child experiences no traumatic mental damage.
Most of the time the priest isn't even sexually assaulting the child and the Church isn't covering it up.
The need for exorcisms is “rare, very rare”, said Fr Vincenzio Taraborelli, a priest in a church which lies just a few hundred yards from the Vatican. “In the cases where a mental illness is apparent, we try to send them to a doctor.”
“People come to me thinking that with an exorcism they can resolve all the problems they have in their lives. A child is doing badly at school? With an exorcism we can make him study. They see exorcists as a last resort. Out of 100 people that I receive, there will be one who has need of me as an exorcist.”
“Demonic” possession manifests itself in people babbling in languages foreign to them, shaking uncontrollably and vomiting nails, pieces of metal and shards of glass, according to those who believe in the phenomenon.
..."babbling in languages foreign to them" ... so the House of Commons is in need of an exorcist then...
'“Daemonic” possession manifests itself in people babbling in computer languages foreign to them, shaking uncontrollably and vomiting APL, pieces of metal and shards of glass flying as they punch their monitors, according to those who believe in the phenomenon.'
He said there were about 500,000 cases requiring exorcism in Italy each year.
The population of Italy is about 60M, so this is nearly 1% of the population!
Anyway, it's a large number, so surely there must be savings to be made by offshoring the exorcism function. I've known managers who believed that the physical locks on an HSM in the Netherlands could be operated from Bangalore, so remote casting out of demons should be a doddle. As far as I know, the inverse square law doesn't apply to the forces of good and evil, so someone coming down a crappy line from afar should be just as effective as someone in the actual room - and also a lot safer.
I would give the exorcism contract to Tata, purely for their name.
I remember the EXORciser. Large, unwieldy and horribly expensive. Worked fine for the 6800, you needed to pay almost the cost of the original system again for the 6802 upgrade. By the time the 68k rolled around, they had a different ICE.
Thanks for the memories, but I like JTAG probes much better!
I take it you haven't watched ghostbusters lately...
Exorcisms & the Great & Ancient Guild of Kiddiefiddlers & Associated Trades (Incorporating Rochdale Police Association).
I thought Jimmy "my best mate's Ted Heath" Saville would fit right in /pun:off.
Almost as well as Chaim Rumkowsky, who leaves even Saville in the dust.. In the annals of pure evil Saville doesn't even get close to old Rummie - I'd mention "trigger warnings" on that little story but that'd be like saying mainlining VX is a bad idea.
First you make up a god but because god is 100% good you make up more 'evil' spirits.
Secondly you make the evil sprit responsible for all ills inflicted on mankind.
Then you make up bullshit rituals to fight these made up evil spirits...
If ghosts and spirits existed they would be a form of intelligent life. The discoverer of such a thing would win a Nobel prize and be front page news globally. It's the 21st century, can we stop the bullshit already?
Wrongly entered config my son
say two hail marys and go configure your device properly.
The catholic concept of hell was COLD, with different levels for different sinners.
they would freeze in hell, because Europe had devilishly cold winters
there was a problem with my post -said theRegister, so I hyphenated Cath-olic
"The catholic concept of hell was COLD, with different levels for different sinners."
Reminds me of the lesson that my high school physics teacher taught one day, about the scientific proof that heaven is hotter than hell. Involved the existence of liquid sulfur in hell, and that heaven was lit by the light of a thousand suns. Calculations left as an exercise for the student.
Which is why he wants more and more exorcists :
Guardian report from March 2017
Note how he says there how at least SOME 'demonic possessions' are in fact 'supernatural'.
Acts 19: 15-16
"And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”
Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded."
This is probably what happens to the Catholic priests more often than not...and no amount of training will change it.
'"We touch on the most burning issues: '
So burning witches is coming back in style.
'Palilla blamed the rise in demand for exorcism on the growing number of people seeking the services of fortune tellers and Tarot readers.'
Sounds like an escalating war between snake oil sellers. We'll need popcorn, I wonder what that tastes like cooked in snake oil?