uTorrent died a long time ago for me, I use Deluge which is under the GPLv3+ for all my Linux and Raspberry Pi image downloads.
Users of uTorrent should grab the latest versions of the popular torrenting tools: serious security bugs, which malicious websites can exploit to commandeer PCs, were squashed this week in the software. If you're running a vulnerable Windows build of the pira, er, file-sharing applications while browsing the web, devious …
That's ridiculous logic, you can't fully trust software you wrote yourself either. To do so is to assume you're perfect and the software has no bugs. I code all day every day and while my performance reviews are stellar, I still make plenty of mistakes that I'm constantly fixing.
I'd put open source software you're reviewed the code for (and compiled yourself) to be on the same level as software you wrote yourself. Mostly safe.
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shags SSDs. I had been using qBitTorrent for a while until the cache SSD started to play up. Then I found out that libtorrent doesn't cache writes like uTorrent does, so the SSD was being hammered senseless. Switched back to an old verison of utorrent, without the advertising nonsense. One write burst every 2s is much kinder to the old cells.
Does anybody know of a decent client that runs under Windows and does not use libtorrent?
I switched to qBitorrent (qBit) yesterday after reading recommendations on reddit. I was a bit reluctant as there has been so many features added to utorrent that other torrent programs didn't have such as the remote downloading, automatic seed ending, move completed downloads to another folder. But it turns out qBit has all the same features as far as I can see except the annoying adverts. It looks a lot like utorrent did before it went ad crazy. I should have switched ages ago.
Combined with Transdroid on your android phone for remote downloading and torrent searching, it's a perfect combination.
So they make a small application, it's small so they decide it could be seen as being positively micro, so they call it MicroTorrent and even shorten that and use the micro symbol µ. However no-one notices and just sees it as a u.
poor µTorrent :p