Re: Wow.... just... wow!
"Uncle Sam can Go Shoulder deep into your data and pull anything out he wants."
I think there is going to be a REAL legal process involved, or that's how it should be written. 'Due Process'. Yeah, I know the FISA court is supposed to be that, too, and we have a current investigation going on AGAINST THE FBI (by Congress) regarding THAT kind of abuse, and so there must be "oversight" to make sure the abuses do NOT happen.
I'm not sure what would change if the FBI were to go before an Irish judge in the Microsoft case (where they try and make themselves immune to an existing subpoena) and why the FBI hadn't already done that. But whatever.
What this should NEVER become: a license to conduct a "fishing expedition" to violate the privacy of anyone that has any kind of data stored on a U.S. company's computers, regardless of the physical location. I don't think this is going to happen.
What U.S. based companies should do: make sure the data is stored ENCRYPTED, the key belongs to the client, the company doesn't have access to the key [when this is possible], and it's only kept for as long as necessary [and purged after that].
What users are probably going to have to do: don't keep data "in the cloud" for longer than is necessary.
I think if I were using gmail or hotmail with IMAP I'd be moving all of the archived e-mail into LOCAL ONLY storage about now... [shouldn't be too hard to do that, either]. make sure 'sent items' is moved locally, too.