Tested in Spanish backwaters = good 4G signal. Test in UK and it'll drop to 2G very quickly.
We've built a 4G drone tracking system, beams Vodafone
Vodafone is working on an airborne drone detection system based on 4G M2M mobile phone technology, the Brit-based network operator said this morning. The “pioneering technology”, as Voda has dubbed it, works by putting a standard 4G SIM card and radio onto a drone. The mobile operator then tracks the drone through a method …
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Tuesday 20th February 2018 18:24 GMT Marcus Fil
Lawsuits in 3..2..1...
No, no, no, landed on my property, is now my property .. do you want to buy it?
[The last drone to 'land' on my property was actually dismantled by magpies before the owner fessed up and asked for it back; I gave him the back the bits the birds had not had it way with - those remaining parts did not look at all like they could constitute a viable flying machine]
Tuesday 20th February 2018 21:23 GMT Martin Gregorie
On discovering a problem break the glass
AC speculated that on ramming a geofence or losing contact with home, the Vodacopta would land regardless of where it was. Its far more likely that it will return to base - that capability is built into most drones and is also part of the Voda system.
Its interesting that Voda have something that can and is being field tested. This is a marked contrast to Altitude Angel, who have been talking up their drone solution[*] since 2015, but still don't seem to have anything testable apart from a cloudy map showing airspace and NOTAMS and an app to view it with.
[*] with claims of autonomous navigation, beyond LOS operation, geofence awareness and collision avoidance for other drones though not, apparently for GA and other Class G airspace users.
Wednesday 21st February 2018 09:29 GMT Anonymous Coward
I could answer that...
I could answer that but I'd be giving Rudd's Maybot ideas and in all honestly, she doesn't get many.
For all the women to get to the top, to act as female role models for future generations, the Rudd/May combo have set that goal back to Theresa's favourite year 1890.
I would genuinely like to see more females in Government/Technology, but it's a topic (tech) you do have give up a lot of time to, to understand it at all levels.
Rudd/May clearly haven't ever given it more than a passing glance.