Re: Another Viewpoint
"MS were also, like everybody else in the industry, very busy with Meltdown and Spectre"
Agile 'Scrum' meetings, B.S. sessions, and Beer o' clock at 3PM
"during that 90 day period."
fixed it for ya
Seriously, though, I think their most experienced people left at around the Windows "Ape" time period, when everything started to go downhill, and internal policies were driving the good people away.
So after Win-10-nic and firing all of their testing people [relying instead on CUSTOMERS to beta test their crapware as it's shoved down the pipe onto every Win-10-nic machine - oops, we did it again! So sorry!], they now have a bunch of inexperienced _CHILDREN_ doing most of the work. No doubt they have very good self-esteem and 'team attitude', actual skills and experience not being a major factor in hiring them.
Would they had someone like ME there, who'd be using profanity for 10 minutes after starting a code dive, then pop up and say "who the HELL wrote THIS crap! Dammit, I need some @#$%)((@#$* coffee and maybe a stiff belt o' something that's more than 90 proof"
It would inevitably be some snowflake needing a safe space that was responsible for this complete cock-up, and having some 50-something bearded guy with big shoulders and a loud voice having a one-way discussion with you (think drill sergeant) about the stupidity of unchecked buffers and re-used pointers and other "newbie" kinds of mistakes, using military terms/phrases like "What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?" and hacker terms like "well, rape me hard with 19 feet of curari tipped wrought iron fence and no lubricant" and other things that are too profane to even be posted in an El Reg comment... and then I fix it all myself in 1/4 of the time some "team" could do it in, if I didn't simply rage-quit over the lame and stupid and complete bull-crappery.
yeah, they wouldn't want ME there, even IF I got things accomplished in record time with a shoestring budget. Heh.
(ok I'm not THAT bad...)