was it a collared lizard?
Iran has gone full David Icke and accused lizards that "attract atomic waves" of spying for the West. Hassan Firouzabadi, a former chief of the Iranian general staff, told the country in a radio Q&A session that a group of pro-Palestinian campaigners had, for reasons not explained, brought lizards with them into Iran. They …
has yet to be released because of our own ham-fisted Foreign Secretary.
She stood little chance being released regardless of the QuasiMoron's performance.
What is happening in Iran at the moment is a repeat of USSR in the 1930es and countless other dictatorial regimes. If you run out of external enemies or the remaining ones become too big to try to chew on you have to invent internal enemies and/or try to stitch various "undesirables" with the "cooperating with foreign power" offence. This is exactly what Iranian judiciary which is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun is doing at the moment.
Yes they are supposed to be open with their nuclear activities. But I'm guessing there are many factions within the country, each with their own ideology and place on the political spectrum, there is—like many countries—a lot of bollockticking going on.
We may be laughing at them but few in the country would know.
In December 2012, a Sudanese newspaper reported that the Sudan government had captured a vulture in the town of Kereinek, which they said was an Israeli spy bird and was tagged in Hebrew and equipped with electronic devices. Iran's Press TV later claimed the bird was an eagle "equipped with Mossad’s tracking and other surveillance devices."
Ohad Hazofe, the avian ecologist, told Israeli news site Ynet: "This is a young vulture that was tagged, along with 100 others, in October. He has two wing bands and a German-made GPS chip." Hazofe denied that the device had any photographic capabilities. In an interview with CNN, he stated that "I'm not an intelligence expert, but what would be learned from putting a camera onto a vulture? You cannot control it. It's not a drone that you can send where you want. What would be the benefit of watching a vulture eat the insides of a dead camel?"
I see your Inspector Clouseau and raise you an Agent 86.
I say we put Inspector Clouseau, Agent 86, and Columbo in one movie. Hell, we have the technology, and *someone* out there has $6,000,000 for the project........
There are animals that can detect infra-red (snakes), ultra-violet (bees), ultrasonic (bats), infrasonic (snakes again), low-level electric fields (sharks), minute changes in gravity (oysters), magnetic fields (pigeons) etc. It is quite within the realms of possibility that there are animals that can detect radiation, so the concept itself is not ridiculous.
The one with the gecko in the pocket.