9.2, 9.4, 9.3, 9.5, 9.3...
And an 8.9 from the Russian judge. Owch, that's got to hurt!
The Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics' website went down just before the event's Friday opening ceremony in South Korea, thanks to a cyber-attack, and stayed down for about 12 hours. The outage left users unable to print tickets or view information about the games. Some networks around the games venues also went down. …
While I'm sure those young ladies worked hard to sync their routine, the reason they are there is obvious.
"See, North Koreans aren't nuclear armed monsters waiting to fall on South Korea.
We're just ordinary folk like you."
Kim (Rocket Man) Jong Un sent them along with his Sister (who has a really weird smirk on her face in all the footage I've seen, maybe she knows something I don't) on a charm offensive.
Honey gets you more flies than Vinegar.
Have to say I'm not convinced.
You can polish a turd but it still smells like shit.
"And we can be sure that every one of those cheerleaders has relatives up north who will face very hard times should she defect, and that this fact has been made painfully clear to her."
Don't assume that everyone in NK is desperately looking for a way to escape. They have patriots there too.
Honey gets you more flies than Vinegar.
I am not an entomologist, but I think those who know say that the opposite is true. Fruit flies like vinegar and they are very numerous.
Hey, let's list which countries are currently annoying the US and the EU - more specifically countries on Thumper's and Angela's shit list. Here goes
North Korea - which makes no sense at all, but put them at number one
Russia - just because
Antarctica - 'cos those sneaky penguins couldn't manage a team and it would provide a perfect excuse to invade it
Iran - 'cos we want to bomb the shit out them
Syria - 'cos we want to bomb the shit out them
Turkey - 'cos we want to bomb the shit out them
It will be interesting to see which one they pick. Alternative they could pick somewhere random like Somalia because they won the gold medal in piracy.
Those sneaky penguins are just brooding on their nuclear bomb shaped eggs. They aren't afraid of anything.
'As North Korea has made peaceful overtures towards the South ahead of the games, it's thought to be unlikely it's behind whatever attack hit the Games' website.'
Can anyone think of any countries known to enjoy a spot of cyberwarfare who have recently been banned from taking part in the Winter Olympics?