back to article Trump's tax reforms lift DXC's profit

Tax reforms in the US helped shore up the bottom line of cost hurling Frankenfirm DXC Technologies, but the top line slid at the company for third straight quarter since it came into being. At $6.186bn, revenue for DXC’s Q3 ended 31 December was ahead of consensus estimates from analysts but represented a 5.9 per cent year-on- …

  1. Korev Silver badge

    Best shore?

    "Best shoring" - what a horrible phrase

    Does anyone have one of these i can borrow? -->

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Best shore?

      Best shoring: Forced to keep your workforce in the UK when you cannot move it to low cost India for legal reasons

      And what exactly is pyramid correction, did they have a contract in Cairo.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Best shore?

        Someone I worked with once said that his company had a policy of NOT bidding for contracts that required 'Best Shoring'. Their whole model was based on shipping the operation to S. Asia and halving the number of people working on it.

        Made Wall St very happy for a long long time.

        He got out with a very decent settlement and is now a Goat Farmer.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Best shore?

        "Pyramid correction" is about changing the shape of the organisation. They want the organisation to look like a pyramid with few at the top expanding to many at the bottom. Currently it bulges in the middle with too many middle managers and pyramid correction is intended to fix this.

        Ultimately it is just another euphemism for layoffs.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Best shore?

          Sometimes ‘pyramid correction’ is about removing layers of management and in HPE I saw it mean the capable leaders being removed more often than the parrots. Another part of it is getting as much work covered by interns and graduate program folk as they are much cheaper than people with actual experience/knowledge/capability. It does help the short term balance sheet but it ultimately transforms the organisation into a low skill, low wage sweat shop with poor customer ratings and miserable long term prospects where the only thing employees look forward to is the chance their redundancy will be on better than the statutory minimum terms.

        2. Cartimand

          Re: Best shore?

          "Pyramid correction is about changing the shape of the organisation."

          In "best shoring" UK roles to Asia and the Middle East, perhaps it should be renamed "Peer Ahmed Selection".

    2. Youngone

      Re: Best shore?

      "I suppose I could part with one and still be feared …

    3. yogeshsharma

      Re: Best shore?

      Bestshoring, also known as rightshoring, is the process of identifying the best location to move manufacturing, IT or business processes for a company. The decision is to be based on quantifiable criteria which are intended to take subjective and political input out of the decision cycle. Many companies use external consulting firms to make these decisions.

  2. snellasaurus

    DXC came together was HPE’s outsourcing services biz in April which makes yearly compares challenging.


  3. h3nb45h3r

    Boardroom bingo....


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