back to article Mobe network Three's 'Make The Air Fair' ads deemed 'misleading'

Three's campaign for a spectrum cap on mobile operators has been deemed "misleading" by the UK Advertising Standards Authority for implying it was run by an independent body. Three had wanted Blighty's communications regulator Ofcom to impose a 30 per cent cap on spectrum ownership, having waged a strange campaign last year …

  1. msknight


    "That was squarely aimed at BT/EE, which holds 45 per cent of immediately usable UK mobile spectrum. "

    Well, they don't bleedin' use it both where I live, and work. Had to go to O2 to get a decent signal.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Really?

      No they don't use it. They just want competitors to stay away from it.

      For a satisfyingly sweary rundown of the problem, see here.

      1. msknight

        Re: Really?

        "First world problems... I wanted to take a picture of my lunch and share it on facebook, but I couldn't." ... not exactly one of his better videos, but gets the point across.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Really?

          Rings hollow compared to his usual material because Three probably shoved him a wad of cash.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Really?

            Make The Air Fair shoved him a wad of cash and he was open about it.

            Whether he knew that it was Three wearing a fake beard is up for discussion.

  2. Sgt_Oddball

    fair.... right....

    For that to be the case the surely all 4G spectrum should be equal, no? But for 4G in the UK there's 800mhz, 1800mhz and 2600mhz which physics gets in the way of it all being equal. So being 'fair' should then force everyone to even and balance out who gets what frequency...

    But not a word of that from three... if you're going to throw a fit at least tell the whole truth.

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