Here's hoping the trend continues until people realise they've bought an empty box for $2000 and start a revolt.
Why? I see no sense in buying an Apple device, and spent £160 on my current phone, but if Apple customers can't think of a better use for the Apple tax, it is their choice. And lets face it, the Android universe has its share of pillocks, notably those shelling out Apple-money for a Samsung S8, a Pixel 2XL and the like. And it isn't a problem for Apple because the numbers are (so far) clear, that Apple users are largely impervious to the fact that they are being reamed out, and still put shiney ahead of good value. It's interesting to dwell for a moment on that term "shiney" - for millennia, rich humans have been attracted to jewellery with little or no function, made of rare metals and stones, usually traded by the very rich from very rich materials suppliers to rich buyers. You could make stronger, lighter, often more durable jewellery from cheaper and more readily available materials, but the very point of the purchase is to spend more than is needed on things with some limits on availability or affordability. That's the same for iPhone X buyers.
The great thing about these people is that it is their money paying to trial ideas that (if they work) will trickle down to the sort of phones I buy. And if those innovations don't work or aren't popular, I won;t have to put up with them. So come along Apple customers, keep buying the shiney, I'm depending upon you!