I still don't understand
It's probably been explained many times before but if so I haven't seen it (or I didn't understand it when I did see it).
Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these points.
1) Blockchain transactions are verified by multiple people.
2) The first person to verify the transaction is awarded a newly-created fraction of a shitcoin [the generic term for this virtual specie]. This is known as "mining" because you put in the work and may get a nugget of reward for it (or you may just find worthless dirt).
3) Bitcoin (and probably many other shitcoins) has a limit built into it of how many coins can ever be created.
4) Once the Bitcoin (or other shitcoin) limit is reached, no new Bitcoins can be created.
5) With no new coins appearing, miners cannot be rewarded with fractional Bitcoin for verifying blockchain transactions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole thing seems to fall apart once that limit is reached because nobody will be prepared to put in the work to keep it going. Yes, there could be a transaction fee to replace the shitcoin mining reward but I haven't seen any proposals for such a thing.
So have I just missed seeing proposals for transaction fees once shitcoins hit their limits or am I missing something? If I'm missing something it's bound to be something blindingly obvious, so you can have a lot of fun correcting me.