Since "password" was a poor choice for a password, they changed it to p@$$w0rd. No one will ever guess that....
Bell Canada Canucks it up again: Second hack in just eight months
Executives at Bell Canada have been left with faces redder than their nation's flag – after their subscriber database was hacked for the second time in eight months. In May 2017, 1.9 million customer records were stolen from Canada's largest telco after its anti-hacking defenses failed. Now the biz has admitted miscreants have …
Thursday 25th January 2018 03:53 GMT JeffyPoooh
How is this even possible?
Bell Canada's website is powered by molasses and moves at the speed of continental drift. It is challenging to navigate its terabyte frames even when connected by 300Mbps fiber.
The hackers must have started hacking it in the early 1880s. Check the list of hacked customers; it probably includes an A.G. Bell and some guy named Comehere Watson.
Thursday 25th January 2018 07:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Bell is really bad at security. It's such a shame they make so much profit (some of it by using very questionable and I'd say unethical sales techniques to con people into buying services they do not need: yet spend so little of it to protect their customers. Really sad and I am glad I am not their customer.
Thursday 25th January 2018 10:29 GMT FuzzyTheBear
Memories ...
Bell Canada used to be a great company. Until the shareholders and profits became the only concern of theirs in late 80's early 90's , from then on they took the plunge into Niagara Falls , customer service was outsourced to people unable to understand us in either english nor french and from then on just got worse. We have two choices Bell or Videotron here and they're both in competition as to who charges the most giving the least services , and which is worst at customer support. Both are ripoffs, Simple telephone and DSL cost me 145 CDN a month with Bell .. no mobility in there , just land line. This is the second time they , on top of that , had data stolen. First time i had a notice " your data was stolen , sorry " that was the end of it. No compensation , not a rebate , nothing. Really .. if you can stay away from Bell , keep your distances. They went from good company to the worst in Canada.
Thursday 25th January 2018 16:05 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Memories ...
Nothing will change until bad companies like Bell are forced to pay for their lack of investment in security by a government regulation. They clearly do not care about their customers' well being and people's PII that was swiped from Bell has no value to the company's management. They simply do not care because they do not have to. Your information is not secure with Bell and other companies like that.
This post has been deleted by its author
Thursday 25th January 2018 15:36 GMT M. B.
The funny thing is they try and sell IT security solutions as part of their portfolio. They have a number of smaller, similarly incompetent IT companies they've acquired trying to sell security solutions and there are individual consultants and larger firms making bank off the cleanup work that's been needed afterwards.
Thursday 25th January 2018 17:04 GMT JaitcH
Bell Preeminent?
More like monopolistic.
The governing entity of Canada's telecoms industry - the CRTC [ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications] - is stuffed full of ex-telco reps who have ensured that Canada has the poorest selection of choice coupled with the highest rates.
Once a telco always a telco. (Read "For Whom The Bell Tolls Not")