Any ideas, for those of us who are lucky enough not to work in London, how we may be able to watch this film?
The Register Lecture: The Secret Spitfires
When Britain’s future hung in the balance in 1940, a covert army of men, women and children set to work in network of sheds, garages and bus depots across Britain building desperately needed Supermarine Spitfires for the RAF’s war effort. The Spitfire was on the frontline against Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe during the Battle of …
Sunday 4th March 2018 03:47 GMT Qwertius
Re: Another basic mistake.
Actually, there is an even more basic mistake than that. It wasn't the 'Spitfire' that saved the day during the Battle of Britain. It was the Hawker Hurricane that did the Lion's share of the fighting. But it wasn't as 'sexy' as the Spitfire --- so the propaganda arm of the government sidelined it in preference to the Spitfire. They wanted to show the British public that England could match any new technology that the Germans might possess. And even beat them - in terms of the most 'modern fighting equipment'.
That's how the Spitfire became everyone's 'Pin-up' Fighter. I don't doubt that would have been 'secret factories' building Hawker Hurricanes in those early days.
Finally, its worth mentioning the Miles M.20. Very few people know that there were plans to create this very cheap 'backyard' fighter. So once again the Myth of the Spitfire rules supreme.