Google ensuring that Skynet has enough bandwidth for all its Terminator drones.
Google has made more investments in submarine cables, sinking money into three due to come online in 2019. First up is the Curie Cable System, which will link the United States and Chile. This one's all Google's: the company says it will “control the design and construction process”, so when the cable is in service it can “ …
Does Google own any ISPs?
I wonder if Google will be able to control the speed and volume of the flow to or from certain providers over their cables?
For example, if Google decided that they really, really didn't like Bing, would they be legally allowed to throttle requests to or from Bing over her cables?
Given that the FCC just reversed the 2015 Open Internet Order on Dec. 14th 2017 and that vote will probably not get rescinded in pending lawsuits, then yes within US domiciled ISP infrastructure.
There will probably be different rules within EU and other jurisdictions. Thus there will be contentions (lawsuits) over which rules apply on international traffic.