Well, tie me up and tickle me with a feather ..!
Butt plugs, mock cocks, late pay and paranoia: The world of Waymo star Anthony Levandowski… by his kids' nanny
The engineer at the center of a massive self-driving car lawsuit – brought by Google-stablemate Waymo against Uber – neglects his kids, is wildly disorganized, and has a large selection of bondage gear, his former nanny has sensationally alleged. Anthony Levandowski may also be paying a Tesla techie for trade secrets, may have …
Wednesday 17th January 2018 07:28 GMT John Smith 19
Right? Extreme obsession to detail like this tends to indicate psychosis.
And an inability to prioritize relevant information over irrelevant trivia as well.
My first (stream-of-consciousness, naturally) reaction was "She sounds like she's somewhere on the APD spectrum."
Is "Lack of empathy" a character trait you want in someone looking after children? Lack of sympathy perhaps, lack of empathy, not so much.
Her hiring (at a time of maximum confusion) sounds quite opportune, almost ideal if you were planning to hit someone with a large lawsuit later. How did she pick this lawyer for the job?
I smell a rat, and I'm not just referring to any hints of her former employers personal hygiene either.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 10:57 GMT Charlie Clark
Re: Wong's sueball is set to be held on April 5
I wouldn't really worry about the contents of the sueball which will probably never go to court. The US legal system effectively encourages suits with long lists that lead to nice out of court settlements. Levandowski will want to bury this quickly so that none of the allegations feature in the real suit so some kind of hush money will probably be paid.
Tuesday 16th January 2018 23:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Not sure what it says about the nanny...
To be fair, she might have had to do a lot of googling to figure out just what type of leather it was. But then one wonders why she wanted to know so badly.
Hmmm, perhaps the legend "Elk Hide Flogger" is printed right on it? Y'know, so the floggee understands they're getting a high quality beating?
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Wednesday 17th January 2018 09:32 GMT I ain't Spartacus
Perhaps she wanted money, not to file the lawsuit? This looks sort of blackmail-y - given his current legal situtation - and the weird randomness of the stuff released. How can information relevant only to his other lawsuit crop up in this filing otherwise? Surely any sensible lawyer would just edit it out. Even if you put in all the minor footling complaints about having to stand too long or having your sandpit thrown away.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 17:36 GMT David Roberts
Libel, slander, legal privilege?
If she had published this in a newspaper or a book I assume she could have been sued.
I also assume that if it is part of a legal filing she can get it into the public domain without the same risk (possibly).
What isn't clear is what damage she claims to have suffered to warrant $3m damages.
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Wednesday 17th January 2018 10:19 GMT John Smith 19
So... the nanny went thru their stuff when they were out,.. a massive breach of trust.
As she tells it the kids went through their parents stuff.
She was just tidying it up afterward. Kids, eh? What you going to do.
She just happened to keep contemporaneous notes of everything she heard and did (which re therefor her personal property and not on behalf of her employer) while doing so.
This is because she is a)Got a bit of APD b)Didn't trust her employer c)Planned all along to collect dirt either for herself or on the behalf of others for a spot of "Biographical leverage."
I imagine a court will have to decide which of those reasons is/are the right one/s.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 08:30 GMT morpheby
This may actually be very clever. So she documented everything, probably with the intent to sell.
And now she may have sold it to some side (e.g. waymo). And to make it in a clear and non-suspicios way (that would also significantly lessen chances of privacy infringement lawsuit) — she posts it in a separate lawsuit against him, that would certainly be dismissed and forgotten, till remebered at waymo-uber case.
Let’s just see how will it come back at waymo-uber case now.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 10:54 GMT tiggity
Photos or it did't happen
If she was so manically documenting, and in an era where hardly anyone is without a mobile, why not the odd sneaky photo as part of her evidence?
A bit dereliction of duty for kids to constantly go in an out of bounds (locked) bedroom and for so long.
I cook a lot, but very little that requires a solid half hour stint in the kitchen, most meals normally have plenty of chances to take a break during prep / cooking - and if you are looking after the kids you should be making sure you are keeping an eye on them.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 09:11 GMT Tigra 07
A blue butt plug? The guy is a monster...
Seriously, if you're digging into stuff like this to get a reaction then it's clear your case needs to be sensational since you have no hard evidence. Are we expected to believe the guy is a menace to society because this woman alleges he owns sex toys?
Thursday 18th January 2018 10:38 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: A blue butt plug? The guy is a monster...
I'm more concerned about the amount and types of toys he has, as it indicated he's at the amateur side of things. This shouldn't add significant value to the claim of the nanny.
When I'm tired of being the army-of-one at work, I relax by browsing through my vast collection of BDSM gear and sex toys, invited some people over who get a thrill out of that sort of thing, and we turn it into a playdate with subsequent sleepover.
Obviously, I'm not a family man, so I don't have to hide anything. The fact that he does, and does so in a suitcase in his own home, means this is just a poorly thought out or sporadically visited fantasy to him. A person who frequently uses sex toys and bondage gear does not do so in a house with children. I would know, as I'm storing boxes full of toys for various friends an acquaintances.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 13:37 GMT I ain't Spartacus
Re: Don't those things always come in pairs?
When counting nipple clamps, do you count them individually, or as a set?
Why? How many nipples have ye got?
Just asking for a friend. Major Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer, as happens. Can you tell I was listening to Good Omens on the iPlayer last night?
Wednesday 17th January 2018 10:56 GMT Anonymous Coward
Sue the nanny $6m for neglect
From the article:
"That late afternoon, when Levandowski was away, Wong was in the kitchen for a period of time, the children were in Levandowski’s bedroom. Half an hour later, she walked back to Levandowski’s bedroom, Wong found his dresser drawer open and items on the floor, taken out by the children."
Why did THE NANNY leave the kids unaccompanied in the parents bedroom for 1/2 hr?
Particularly if that was not the first time inappropriate contents had been found there, as asserted?
This whole thing seems utterly bizarre, and the motives of the nanny in this seem extremely questionable.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 11:40 GMT Unicornpiss
More shaming to the nanny
It sounds like what we have here is a clash of personalities and an opportunistic gold digger (Wong) trying to make the 'most' of a situation.
Who truly cares in this day and age if someone has a box of dildoes under the bed? And I would consider with the amount of stress Levandowski was going through at the time, that some absentmindedness in being on time could be forgiven.
While embarrassing to Levandowski, who is no saint himself no doubt, as pretty much none of us are, I would have to say Wong should be utterly ashamed of herself for betraying the trust given her. People like Wong are scum of the Earth. Hopefully she never manages to con anyone into trusting her again.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 15:26 GMT Bucky 2
Sometimes a tort is not just a cake
It will cost him $100,000 to start if he wants to defend against the lawsuit. A huge laundry list like this, call it $200,000.
And a jury can find him partially guilty. Say they find him 95% innocent. That's $300,000 on top of everything else.
So in the above scenario, he's $500,000 out of pocket. For a lawsuit which the newspapers would report as a win.
Wednesday 17th January 2018 17:06 GMT Alistair
all things considered
this is all just too wong fu?
I'm going to note that I've no idea how old the "children" in question are, and I'm not about to judge someone on how they do who they do, (allowing for consent/age things). But this sounds like a "Oh fuck this, I might as well get mine while the getting is good" action.
Given the stew Levandowski's been simmering in, I do have to question his ethics, but I certainly don't have to question the ethics of the nanny, I *know* what they are.
Thursday 18th January 2018 05:22 GMT Anonymous Coward
FFS, it's 2018, do people still think S&M is funny?
People need to grow up a bit.
In terms of a court case where minors are involved, then yes this needs to be exposed and discussed to understand if minors have suffered emotional distress in the course of any accidental or deliberate discoveries. My mum used to work as a legal secretary and they'd get at least one case a month where she'd have to catalogue activities and "equipment" from failed marriages breaking down.
As adults is S&M play really that funny these days? It's usually found funny by people who've never had the intense pleasure of enjoying it and think people who do are oddbals. Spankings, beatings, light S&M with ropes and ties, toys and such really are nothing these days. My wife and I are on Lovehoney at least once a month buying a few odds and ends. Being able to give yourself freely to your partner is the ultimate in trust and strengthens a relationship with the most incredible bonds. I love my wife more than I ever have in my life, all since we started to explore our limits.
My advice is stop smirking and start enjoying before you're too old and can't!
Thursday 18th January 2018 10:15 GMT Maelstorm
What the hell?
I've read some crazy stories, but how does filing a legal action about various sizes of fake pricks benefit society? ...Other than showing that he has to warm up to being a huge asshole so he can take that size 14 boot where the sun doesn't shine... Perhaps he is trying to compensate for something.
Seriously, this is funny as all hell. License plates? Times and dates? This became an obsession for the nanny.
Thursday 18th January 2018 12:58 GMT Salestard
Clearly she's in the wrong career
Can recall times, events, part numbers/colours, entire conversations including names of people she's never met, licence plates, and numerous other tiny details - rather think that level of memory would be gainfully employed in some kind of security or espionage role.
She was taking notes from day 1 with the intention of suing the snot out of him. In which case, perhaps greater rewards available operating in sleb circles, rather than silicon valley