What would happen if all the staff put exactly the same details in this tool - so every person was identical?
DXC Technologies' employees still reluctant to upload their "skill profile" onto a company database they fear will be used in the next big redundancy rounds yesterday got a ticking off from top brass. The great unwashed at DXC were given a fortnight until 17 November to complete the online forms to create a “holistic and …
Despite my having spent the previous 12 years travelling the length and breadth of the UK pretty much full time I was marked 3 out of 5 for flexibility to manipulate me into the score they wanted.
I was marked by an L4 that had met me twice. It's all a charade. The only thing that's real is the bunce
For example, I'm not really technically current any more, but I can still troubleshoot problems from general principles. I mainly use my skills to help other people do their jobs these days, like a team-builder, or facilitator (sometimes an obstacle de-contructor).
Are those kind of skills tracked? The last team I worked in has suffered a bit of a drop in performance after I left because they don't work as a team any more (especially since new starters didn't get the memo I tended to ram down their brain-stems when they joined the team).
The previous programs have been at best ramshackle. Maybe now after so many attempts they think that they are getting their eye in? On the other hand, HR (being 'overhead') has probably been harder hit than most by previous rounds, so maybe 'formal' is just wishful thinking.
And while you are doing that provide a new resume based on this template (not the DXC brand template).
The template style is such that the information is out of date within a month (time periods specified in years and months) ... so those entered
Is noncooperation a form of protest?
Yes, noncooperation is a form of protest, but it also arises from the carefully crafted culture of apathy, deleting anything that looks like it is from the top guys without reading it, just doing your job, and never going the extra mile that DXC have managed to build. If updating your skills profile isnt specifically in your job description, why do it? There are no pay rises anymore, so you are hardly likely to lose out and no-one is above being put into the next redundancy round regardless of how hard they work.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but is any of this actually legal in the UK? Redundancy is as a result of a role being no longer required, not because your CV is crap. As for stating that you’re only going to employ young people, that simply isn’t legal, and if that’s a company policy, I hope someone takes them to the cleaners for it.
DXC will meet their legal obligations. They are other valid reasons for redundancy other than the role no longer being required - moving the work elsewhere for example, which is what is happening, with every possible role being "best shored".
As for the young people remark, if it was DXC's published policy then it would indeed be discriminatory, but I suspect it would be characterised as an informal remark by a middle manager. Doesn't make ut any less true though.
Having gone prior to the despotic reign of CSC's Mike Lawrie being extended to former HPE ES colleagues I no longer have any interest in this car crash company aside from regular checks that they haven't yet stolen my pension pot.
The harsh truth is that no-one from HPE ES has had a formal performance review in almost two years. That makes any basis for the quarterly WFR (Redundancy) scoring decidedly dodgy. So all they really have to backup that particular mechanism for justifying what McKinsey already decided is the skills database that they are so keen on ensuring everyone completes.
Complete the database and complete your own justification for redundancy.
"I no longer have any interest in this car crash company aside from regular checks that they haven't yet stolen my pension pot."
A very real danger. Hence me transferring my DC pension fund to my new company's scheme, where it should be safer and earning a better return too.
I was apprehensive 9 months ago after working for CSC for the best part of 10 years!
I accepted my VR package, my role got 'best' shored and they are making a fantastic cock up from all accounts.
I haven't looked back, use the training allowance wisely and it can pay dividends.
Just do it!!