Re: Idiocy from the routers and el reg
On a well planned and executed Network I would totally agree, I can run VM's stored on NFS over the wire at lag free gigabit speeds on my Lan.
You sound savvy, so I would assume you have taken some time to ensure your network works well too.
Here's the thing though, most folks do not.
Most home networks I deal with on a daily basis look more like this:
Hp printer with WiFiDirect enabled, and connect to the wireless router.
Chromecast putting out WiFi, while connected to wireless router.
All the Apples searching for Airplay, Airprint, etc ect
AppleTv doing the bonjour sleep_proxy arp dance, amongst others.
Everybody is running Dropbox Lan client, two or three print status monitors, searching for that Damn Chromecast to cast to, MdnsResponder because "If you wanna manage those iPhones with windows you gets Apple Networking with it.....the list is endless here, much of it multicast and poorly coded it seems.
Billy's Xbox is looking for Friends and Media neighbors...and demands UPnP be found.
That Roku is cramming more extra wifi down my throat.
Crappy DirectTv installer misconfigured the MoCa bridge, again.
Why is this WesternDigitalNas putting out Spanning Tree Packets.
God Damn it, Avast is "helpfully" scanning my network devices, three times, because its on all three of the Kids laptops!!
The Sony tv has a wifi AP built in too?...damn it!
Three NetGear Wireless extenders and the RokuTV's still won't connect?...
Every app on every device is open in the background, searching for local comrades and slurping all that juicy telemetry to phone home.
What's that you say?
Security Cams and Smart thermostats? Smart Dishwasher?
Ports MUST be opened Immediately!!
Pings? Pings?
What are these Wan Pings?....
And Fuck!! where are all these SYN packets coming from?????
Add in the traffic you really want to push.
Add another "100,000 packets in a short time" on top of that.
All of a sudden that $100.00, unpatched, admin/admin, Linksys with the open WiFi bought at WalMart seems to develop a nut allergy....
And don't even get me started on IPv6.....WiFi interference or plug' n play mesh.
Lets face it, the Lan has been overrun by greedy Apps, Services, and Devices.
Average users are less than clueless and lazy to boot, even adamant in their "God Given Right to not have to learn this, it says its compatible!!".
Idiocy Indeed....