Google - 'do only evil.'
At xmas I noticed this behaviour with google (on google chrome on android, but I imagine it would be the same across the all at least (note this was on my sisters tablet - I use startpage an no auto suggest shite)
- thanks to auto complete - type into search:
- 'is'
- google auto suggest 'is santa real'
so - this is the number one mostly likely question - so likely just two letters pop it up as the default question...I mean there's one reason for this - millions of kids are asking google if santa is real.....
ok I though - maybe this is a google easter egg - asking it takes us to the northpole or summit...
nope - same shite google search result page as always (i.e. 80% adverts and paid promotions) but the first non paid result is an article saying 'no of course santa isn't real'
nice. top work guys.
I would imagine this xmas, google managed to kill of belief in santa in millions of kids in the UK, if not the world...old enough to type 'is' into a browser - your childhood is over.