Re: who?
I too watch youtube .youtube isnt a channel , its a content delivery method. Saying you watch youtube isnt like saying you watch BBC4 , where that would imply a certain type of content - it's not even akin to saying "I watch TV" , Its merely stating that sometimes you "ingest" information and entertainment in a moving-pictures-with-audio kind of way. No wait, its not even that as a youtibe vid could be audio only , or a collection of stills etc.
I watch A lot of automotive / engineering videos for entertainment / education / motivation. There are many series of high quality videos being output by highly skilled and motivated individuals, (eg roadkill / mcm ). On the tech side theres Computerphile / AVGN / LGR . I imagine there is lots of quality content regarding stamp collecting , model trains , alchemy , dressmaking or any other interest you may have.
I dont know how much they're making , but it seems theyre scraping by.
Its a damning indictment of modern society that the ones making the real money are the absolute morons in the top 10 list.