Phah. Poor effort.
You should see the real inside of the Rock of Gibraltar if you want to see impressive.
If you've got military colleagues or are military, you can get the -proper- tour, where you'll see a wall the length of a football pitch lined with toilets, hospitals still with equipment, offices, mess-halls, etc.
With tunnels you could drive two way traffic through, impenetrable access points and a side stairwell of over a thousand steep steps in near pitch black, it's an awe-inspiring sight.
True story: Whilst mapping out the interior, some of the British MOD training staff identified a draft in a tunnel where there should be no draft. Bit of exploratory hitting things with a sledgehammer revealed a false cave wall.
Inside it was a room lined in cork, with WW2 rations, what looked like rowing machines, and other assorted equipment.
There was a letterbox shaped hole which looked out over the Gibraltar strait.
When queried, Whitehall denied all knowledge. When sent pictures, they burst. During the war, if the Germans ever looked like they were going to seize the rock, a group of soldiers who had been psychologically tested and assessed were going to be bricked inside that room. With rations for several years, the rowing machines could be used to keep fit and intermittently power a radio from which they could send out updates on the German shipping in the strait, seen through the slit.