Spies, damn spies and corporations?
Google record every last shred of data they can, but that's ok because they are American (Uncle Sam can "lean on" them to get what they want)
For those that don't like Google phones, Apple record every last shred of data they can, but that's ok because they are American (Uncle Sam can "lean on" them to get what they want)
For those that don't like Google phones or Apple phones, Microsoft used to record every last shred of data they can, but gave up because..... well because, but that's ok because they are American (Uncle Sam can "lean on" them to get what they want)
Huawei*** are Chinese. Chinese are bad. They do things. Weird, communist things. Weird, communist things that we don't really know much about but they must be bad, otherwise they wouldn't be communist, right?
We must fear them.
We must fear them!
We MUST fear them!!!
COMMUNISTS!!!! Aaaarrrrggghhhh!
*** They do however use Gooles phone operating system, and Google record every last shred of data they can, but that's ok because they are American (Uncle Sam can "lean on" them to get what they want)