Re: Goosey, gossey gander.... Ouch !!! 22 downvotes !!
Yeah - the half that agree with you are probably expats, (I certainly do, as a British Expat myself) the downvoters are probably Europeans who think that their own countries treat foreigners with the same respect & rights that EU citizens get, just because they heard about a Cleric in the mail who wasn't deported as he'd face the death penalty. How little they actually know...
The man on the street might respect you if you're "forrin", but government bureaucrats (the ones who define said "rights") go out of their way to make life as difficult as possible and will treat forrin types like chewing gum stuck to their shoe, regardless of where you are in the world. The only exception to that rule that I've personally experienced (living in 4 different countries in the last 6 years) is Singapore, where the government seem to like foreigners. Or maybe because chewing gum is banned, they don't know how to treat them 'properly.' Regardless, a Singaporean Citizen has more rights than a foreigner so your point still stands...
Rule 1 of being a foreigner - the answer to the question of "how do you like it here?" is "Love it, best place in the world." (and that includes the slums in downtown Mogadishu)
Rule 2 is any time a bureaucrat asks, you bend over if you need to remain in said country for any reason whatsoever.
Anon because this is a banned opinion and I could be deported for voicing dissent. Luckily I'm behind a VPN and over 12 proxies, and not in a 5-eyes country. And besides the place I live is a lovely place, best place in the world*.